
Adding a WordPress Plug-In

If you are using WordPress to create and edit your website pages, you must know that displaying an opt-in or profile update form on your site will only work if you add a specific plug-in.

Without this plug-in, the form will not show as planned.

 How To

  1. In WordPress, go to the Add Plugins page and install and enable the Raw HTML Snippets plug-in.
  2. In the Add Raw HTML Snippet page, create a new snippet and give it a name in Support ID (for example, DialogInisghtOptinForm). Then, paste the form code generated by Dialog Insight in the Snippet Code area.
  3. Go to the edit page of the website page where you want to display the form and insert a reference to the snippet you just created. For instance, add : [raw_html_snippet id="DialogInsightOptinForm"]

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