
Setting Up the Adobe Commerce Integration

The Adobe Commerce integration (previously called Magento) allows you to synchronize your data for contacts and E-Commerce (transactions, items, products, carts) from your Adobe Commerce integration to your Dialog Insight project. Once these data are in your DI project, you can use them to create automated campaigns, product recommendations or follow the purchasing activities from your contacts to better target your communications. In this article, you will see, step by step, how to configure the integration in your DI project and in your Adobe Commerce.


Create a project's structure

Start by creating your project or, if you use an existing one, make sure the fields correspond to the data you want to synchronize. It is recommended to not use more than one source of external data inside this project used for Adobe Commerce in order to avoid conflicts. If you are using a Single Customer View project, see the instructions for SCV below.  

Instructions for a Single Customer View project

In a Single Customer View structure. it is recommended to create a secondary project dedicated to receiving your Adobe Commerce data to avoid conflicts with other integrations. The primary key for this project must be the customer number. Or, you could also choose the option Other for the primary key. In this case, the recommended format is text Datatype with a fixed length of 100. 

Step 1: Connect Your Adobe Shop

Go to the Integrations section and double-click on Magento:Then, type in your shop's URL:

Step 2: Configure the Project's keys

In the next window, the system provides you the API keys from your account and project. Copy the keys or send them to your email:

When you will be done with this step, click Customize my configurations to continue the installation process.

Connect to your Adobe account. In the configuration section, paste the keys:When you are done, click Save Config.

Step 3: Validate the Mapped Fields

The integration synchronizes Adobe Commerce toward your contact base and E-Commerce tables (Product, Order and Cart).

In the Fields Association section, validate that the mapped fields from your Adobe shop have the correct destination in your DI project:You can click Add if you want to synchronize fields that are not displayed in the list. You can also remove fields by clicking on the garbage bin icon at the end of the line.

In addition to the contact info, the integration synchronizes the following e-commerce tables:By clicking the table, you will see the mapped fields. For these tables, you cannot modify the mapping, but you can add fields not displayed.

Step 4: Install Adobe Commerce

To install the extension, start by clicking on Install the Extension

You will be redirected to the Dialog Insight for Adobe Commerce. Log in to your account. Choose the edition that fits the environment you are using. For the version, choose the most recent. Add the extension to the cart:For more information on supported versions:

In the cart, click on Install

Consult the How to Install section on the right and follow the instructions from 1 to 4*:*You will need your IT team for these configurations.

Installation ressources

Step 5: Activate the Synchronization

You can activate the synchronization now or later:

The data are synchronized and retrieved. So, there is no need to make a first import.

Synchronization delay
If you have a large volume, it can take a certain time: 100 objects are synchronized per minute. If you have 100 contacts and 100 transactions, the time will still be 1 minute since these are different objects and are processed simultaneously.


Your data from Adobe Commerce are automatically synchronized to your contact base and E-Commerce module tables: Transaction, Transaction item and Product. Some data from the Category table are also synchronized. 

You can see the imported data in the Relational Data section by double-clicking on the table you want to consult: 

Click on the Search button at the top menu:

Uncheck the checkbox for criteria and click on Search:Click on the Results section to see the data stored in your table in JSON format.   

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