
Configuring the Journey Module

**Take note that there may be a delay that could go up to 24 hours before the statistics appear.

Configuring the Journey module consists in adding the site you want to track, specifying the authorized domains for this site and adding the generated script on each page you wish to track to identify visitors and register various actions.

The Journey module must be enabled for your company. Once activated for your company, this module will be available in all your projects. Contact your project manager if you want to use this module.
Access Path
> Journey > Configuration

 How To

  1. Start by adding the website for which you want to track visits by clicking Add a site.
  2. In the site addition window, it is mandatory to enter a name for your site and to specify at least one domain.
    If the entered domain is preceded by "www.", the site address without the "www." will automatically be added as a domain, and the other way around.
    If needed, you can change the name later by clicking the edit icon  shown on hover.
  3. If you want to display a banner so that visitors can either accept or refuse to have their visits tracked, check the option Wait for visitor's consent to start tracking.
    This option will prevent the first visited page from being tracked, therefore giving visitors the time to read your cookie information banner and decide on whether to accept or refuse them.

    • When this option is not enabled, all visited pages are tracked, starting with the first visited page. 
    • When this option is enabled, behavioral tracking can only occur after the first visited page, depending on the visitor's consent response. If they accept cookies, all visited pages will be tracked, and if they deny it, no visited pages will be tracked. Know that if visitors ignore the consent request, or do not reply to it, they will be deemed as having accepted that their visits be tracked.
      *Take note that the display and creation of this banner is your entire responsibility. This banner should offer consent and explain how cookies are used on your site and what data protection options you offer.
      ** In order to explicitly indicate to the Journey module to track or not visited pages, you must integrate, and call, the following JavaScript function, for the acceptance or refusal action of the visitor (if you offer this option to your visitors)
      • OFSYS_Tracker2.SetConsent(true | false)
        You will probably have to request the help of your webmaster to perform this operation.
      • Click to accept tracking --> onclick="OFSYS_Tracker2.SetConsent(true);"
      • Click to refuse tracking --> onclick="OFSYS_Tracker2.SetConsent(false)"
  4. Click Add.
    You will see displayed the configured site and the related tracking code generated by the application. 
  5. You must copy-paste the tracking code on each site page you wish to track, in the <head> of the message, or right before the end tag of the body </body>.
    Only pages that include this tracking code can be tracked and return results on the source of the visit and the number of visitors in Dialog Insight.
  6. Return to this page to check if the tracking is being done properly. There are 2 possible statuses:

     indicates that the code has been installed and that visits have been tracked.

     indicates an error, either the code was not integrated well, or visits haven't been tracked yet.

  7. You then see the option to enable the E-Commerce module.
  8. If you want to track transactions on the E-Commerce site, click Activate.
  9. In addition to transactions, you have the option to track carts and viewed products. Make your choice and click Save.

  10. To view examples of scripts to be integrated to track transactions, carts or viewed products, click the related Usage button.

    ** Note that configuring scripts requires programming knowledge. To learn more, refer to our Cart Tracking Configuration Guide.pdf

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