
Creating a Lead Generation Form

PrerequisiteThe lead generation form creation module must be enabled for your company; this is done only upon request and performed by Dialog Insight. You then need to activate and configure this module for projects where you wish to use this type of form.
Access PathAcquisitions > Lead generation

How To

Activate lead generation in your project

If lead generation forms are available to your company but have not yet been activated in your project, you will need to do so and also associate a communication type to be used for messages sent to contacts who fill in a lead generation form. Confirmation messages must be associated to a communication type that can be sent to all contacts, with no specific consent. If you associate this form to a communication type that is sent to only contacts who have given their consents, these confirmation messages will never be sent to newly added contacts.

  1. In the activation page, choose the communication type to be associated to confirmation messages sent to contacts. You can choose to use a communication type you already have or create a new type of communication type especially for this purpose.
  2. Click on Activate.
    This will take you to the list of lead generation forms, where you can create your first form.
Create a new form
  1. In the Lead generation forms page, click on Create a form.
  2. In the definition page of the New form, specify the name you wish for your form, the form type (which is basically used to classify forms when you have a lot) and the language(s).

    Field Description
    NameName of the form.
    TypeType of form, basically for classification purposes when your have a lot of forms. The possible types are:
    • File download
    • Information request
    • Quotation request
    • Demo request
    • Other request forms
    LanguagesLanguages in which the form will be created and offered.
  3. Click Create.
    The workflow page displays and need to be configured.
Configure the lead generation workflow

The lead generation workflow presents the sequence of possible actions and can include the following steps:

You must therefore configure all or some of these documents directly from the workflow section or the Drag & Drop message editor.

  • Registration link - Lets you open the form to test the it.
  • Lead generation form - Page used to collect information about the people who wish to perform certain actions on your websites (such as file downloads, info requests, quotes, demo request, etc.) The collected information is then integrated in Dialog Insight and can be used to send communications.
  • Confirmation - Page confirming that the lead generation form was properly filled and sent.
  • Message to contact - Confirmation message sent to the contact. In addition, if the person requested to download a document, and has not done so after filling the form, you could insert the link to this document in the message. You could also used this message to offer subscription to your communications. This message is a great opportunity to establish a first contact with potential clients.
  • Message to administrator - Message sent to the selected administrators with the information about the person who just filled a form.
Configure the lead generation form

A form template is offered to allow you to create this form quicker. The form comes with already defined fields and texts. You must however personalize the form to your needs, by adding in particular your company logo or brand, as well as the date, time and location and any other necessary information. If you want to collect more information, you will need to add new input fields using the Form configuration page.

Open the lead generation form
  1. Click on the image of the form .
    The form template will open in the Drag & Drop message editor.
  2. Once opened, you need to adapt and personalize the form according to your specific needs, by adding, editing or deleting content.
Define content to be included in the form
  1. To add a new element, select it from the available zones and drag and drop it in the desired location in the form.
  2. To delete an element from the form, simply click on the related delete icon .
Description of content elements
IconNameDescription and How to
 Form options**This element is part of the default form template and CANNOT BE DELETED.
This element displays input fields which will serve to gather information about people who wish to perform an action. Some fields are already included in the form template, in particular those that make up the primary key as these fields are used to identify the person as a contact in the Dialog Insight application.
  1. To edit the size of labels and input fields, or to change the text on the button or replace the text by an image, double-click in this element or click on the edit icon shown in the right upper corner of this zone.
  2. For detailed instructions on how to add or edit a field, refer to Editing a Field of the Lead Generation Form and Adding a field to a lead generation form

BannerElement that lets you add an image in the registration form, in general, to insert a banner with the logo of your company or an image related to the lead generation form.

How To

  • To edit, add or delete
    • To edit an element already included in the form, double-click on this element or click on the edit iconshown next to the name of the element.
    • To add a new element, select the desired one from the Content elements section in the left menu and drag and drop it to the desired location in the form.
    • To delete an element, click on the upper right corner of the element and click on the delete icon.
  • To select an image

    • To add an image, choose an image amongst those shown in the Images section and simply drag and drop it to the desired location.
    • To replace an image, double-click in the block containing the image, or click on the edit icon shown in the upper right corner of the element; then click on to select the new image in the file selector. Select the new image and click Select.
    • You can also choose an image that is not yet hosted by clicking on Upload an image.
      1. In the File upload window, click on Select a file.
      2. In the image selector, click on either Upload in library or Upload from your computer to open your file explorer.
      3. Go to the directory when the image is located and select the desired image.
        ** PNG, GIF and JPG images are best.
      4. Make sure the image dimensions are correct. If needed, you can edit your image before inserting it in the message (or form) by clicking on the edit icon. The image editor will open to let you re-size, crop or make any other necessary change.
      5. If you edit your image, make sure the save them.
      6. If you have a lot of images and have created categories to group them, select in the Category list the one to hold you new image, if needed.
      7. Back to the message editor, select the image and drag and drop it to the desired location in your message

  • To define the properties of an image
    • Click on the edit icon located in the upper right corner of the element.
    Image Properties
    Image (URL)Type the URL address of the image or select an image using the file selector displayed when clicking on .
    To make changes to an image, whether it be the size, color, orientation, or any other, click on the edit icon to open the image editor.
    Alternative textText used in replacement of the image. The text is shown when the image is not displayed, or for accessibility purposes for people with a disability or impairment.
HTML BlockElement that lets you add text in the form. This zone is most commonly used to enter various information about the action to be performed, or even to provide specifications about the requested information.
Input is done in a text editor that offers all the standard edit functions. You can even insert images, links, tables, etc.

How To

  1. Once the element is dropped in the message (or form), click the edit icon  of the text section or double-click on the element to open the text editor.
  2. In the editor window, type in or paste your text and then apply any desired format and options (add a link, personalization value, image, etc.).
  3. Once editing is complete, click Save.
TitleElement used to enter a unique line of text, which is usually inserted in the header so that is duplicated on all pages and form(s). Although it is most commonly inserted in the header so it is duplicated for all pages and forms, you can insert it in a HTML block or footer or page-specific section.

How To

  1. In the Title element, click on the edit icon .
    1. In the Title window, specify the name of your form, or any other one-liner text.
SubtitleElement used to insert most commonly a subtitle in the header so it is duplicated on all pages and form(s). You can also insert it in a HTML block or footer or page-specific section.

How To

  1. In the Subtitle element, click on the edit icon.
    1. In the Subtitle window, enter the desired text. You can also enter any other text you want to see repeated on all pages.
Define the fields to be part of the form

Once the design of the form has been defined, you need to decide what information you want to collect from the people who wish to perform an action.

This definition is done on the Form configuration page, which lists all the project fields used in the registration form. You can add, edit and even delete fields, as well as add, edit or delete sections to hold these fields.

Specify how contact information is updated

As the information provided when registration is done can be different from the information already contained in Dialog Insight when the contact exist in the application, it is important to specify how you want the registration information to be processed WHEN THE CONTACT IS ALREADY PRESENT IN THE APPLICATION. If the person registering is not a contact in Dialog Insight, a profile will be created and all registration information will be registered in the profile.

To indicate whether the existing contact's profile should be updated with the registration information, three options are offered:

Update OptionDescription
Complete the profileOnly the new information provided in the lead generation form will be added to the contact's profile. Therefore, if a phone number already exists in the profile and one is provided during registration, it will not be saved and overwrite the phone number already in the profile.
Update profileAll the information provided in the lead generation form will be registered in the profile. So if a phone number is provided during registration, it will overwrite the one in the profile, if one exists, or be added to the profile if there was none.
Ignore changesThe information provided in the lead generation form will not be saved in the existing contact's profile, but new contacts will be created thus.
Enable the authentication process

If you want to be certain that the person that fills in the lead generation form is a real person, it is recommended that you enable the reCAPTCHA option so that a validation question is added to the form.

If the registration form is displayed under a domain name other than, you will first need to register the domain used on reCAPTCHA to get you private and public keys.

To register your site or domain with reCAPTCHA, go to and follow the instructions provided on screen. Once saved, reCAPTCHA will give you private and public keys that you'll need to enter in Dialog Insight.

To enable the authentication option

  1. Check the Use Google Recaptcha option.
  2. Click on Manage keys.
  3. Choose your domain, if already configured. If not, click on Add a key to register your domain name or the page to display the registration form, and specify the public and private keys that were assigned by reCAPTCHA when opening an account.
See a preview of the form before publication

Before putting your event and form online, you want to make sure it displays properly.

  1. Go back to the edit page showing the workflow.
  2. In the graphic, click on the registration link icon .

IMPORTANT - DO NOT USE the address shown in the address bar of the preview page; this address is NOT THE LINK to insert in your message or page to open the registration form. THIS IS ONLY A TEST PAGE. The real link of the registration form is shown once the event is published and displays below the Unpublish button.

To open a document in the workflow

The lead generation form as well as the confirmation page and optional messages can be opened from the workflow graphic, by clicking on the related icon.

It is also possible to configure all documents one after the other, once the editor is opened, by accessing the various pages shown under the Properties tab of the editor. This method is much quicker as it prevents your from going back to the workflow for each document to configure.

Personalize messages

The lead generation workflow offers two confirmation options, one to the person who has filled the form and the other for the person responsible for the administrator. Note that only the text of the confirmation message sent to the contact can be edited; the message for the administrator is predefined and cannot be changed.

MessageDescriptionDo not forget
Message to contactMessage sent to the person who filled in the lead generation form
To do for each registration language:
  • A subject for the message
  • The name and email of the sender
Message to administratorMessage sent to the administrator to let him/her know that a contact information was either added or edited in the database.
You must specify all administrators to whom you want to send notifications to by clicking on the icon next to the page icon. You can have only one recipient, or more.
To add a new administrator, click Add a user and choose one in the list of users.
  • A subject for the message
  • The name and email of the sender
  • Select users to send Registration notificationnotifications to

Creating messages related to a lead generation form is done the same way as for any other messages in the Dialog Insight application. To see detailed instructions, refer to the topic Creating a Message Using Drag-and-Drop. In addition, some options are specific to events:

  • The Lead generation form section that lists all document used in the workflow, that is the lead generation form, all information pages and confirmation messages.
  • The Message section that lists the various versions of a message.
  • The Colors section that lets you define default colors for texts, titles, and backgrounds in information pages.
Validate that all steps of the workflow have been completed

To be able to publish the lead generation form, the workflow must be complete and without errors. To help you in this validation, indicators are displayed in the graphic to show you where errors are. Furthermore, the Publish will be disabled if there are any errors or incomplete elements, so you won't be able to publish the eventthe contest.

To check if elements are incomplete or in error, check the Incomplete elements and Errors options to see the related identified errors or warnings.

To see which part of the element is missing or in error, click on the element itself to open it in the editor and go to the Review page to see all the error and warning messages.

  1. Once all elements are complete and with no errors, click on Publish .

Once published, the lead generation form will display in the list of online forms, where you'll be able to select it to view it and see related results and information.

Insert the lead generation form on the desired location

Once all the lead generation process is configured as you need and want it, all that is left to do is to insert the link to open the form on the page where is offered the action needing to complete the form.

There is a link for each form; so if you have a form in English and another one in French, you will have two different links. These links only display when the form is published and show just below the Unpublish button.

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