

With the help of the Asset module, you can create content that can be reused in your communications, as often as necessary. This module contains:

  • An asset library
  • An asset editor
  • An asset block in the email editor

The Asset library makes it possible to gather all created content in one place and evaluate its effectiveness. It is possible to gather delivery results to assess the effectiveness of each used asset.

The library also provides an asset editor for creating new assets or editing existing assets. Once edited, these assets are changed immediately in all related communications.

The module also includes an asset block in the email editor. This block will be added to all new messages created using a Dialog Insight model.

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Access path > Libraries > Assets

Once the module is enabled, you can activate it for any project you choose by clicking the activation button on the Assets page.

When a project is activated, new asset types and examples are added to the library so that you have a starting point:

Additionally, the asset block and asset library are accessible through the Dialog Insight email template:

To add the asset block and the quick access to the library in your personalized email templates, please get in touch with the Dialog Insight team.

Basic concepts

Types of asset

The structure of an asset is determined by the type of asset. It contains: 

  • Variables that you can change the values of to control an asset's text, style, etc.
  • The placement of the elements that will make up the asset, such as the text, button, image, etc.
To create or modify a type of asset, please get in touch with the Dialog Insight team. Given the wide range of configuration options, we will be able to advise you.

You have access to five different types of assets to get things started. Each has its own unique set of variables. You can change the values of these variables when editing or creating a new asset. From one type of asset, multiple variations can be produced.

Types of assetAsset variablesStyle variables
Texte / TextText
Link text
Background color
Text color
Texte et bouton / Text and buttonText
Button text
Button link
Background color
Text color
Button background color
Button text color
Alternative text
Background color
Image et texte / Image and textTitle
Alternative text
Background color
Title color
Text color
Offre / OfferTitle
Alternative text
Button text
Button link
Background color
Title color
Text color
Button background color
Button text color


You can incorporate any reusable assets into your email messages. Its structure is determined by its type, and it can be configured using values you've saved.

Every place where a published asset is used will be impacted by any changes. This is helpful for your messages' recurring content. Instead of having to modify each of your messages, it enables you to make a change in a single location.

To be used in a message, an asset must first be published.

Each asset can collect data and display usage statistics like click-through rate, number of impressions, and number of emails sent.

A single type of asset can serve as the foundation for many different variations of assets. You have seven examples of assets at your disposal. Each is connected to a specific type of asset.

Assets examplesTypes of asset
Adresse / AddressTexte / Text
Information légale / Legal InformationTexte / Text
Souscription d'adhésion / Membership subscriptionTexte et bouton / Text and button
Bannière des fêtes / Holiday bannerImage
Horaire d’été / Summer scheduleImage et texte / Image and text
Offre / OfferOffre / Offer
Événement caritatif / Charity eventOffre / Offer

As you can see, certain assets share the same type of asset. These assets are configured with different values, giving rise to two distinct and independent displays.


Creating and editing assets

  1. Click the Create button on the Assets page.
  2. A pop-up window opens. You can create an asset from scratch, or from an existing template.
  3. Use the label field to name the asset.
  4. Select the type of asset.
  5. By default, the asset is bilingual (FR/EN). You can delete a language if you are not using it. Fields that differ from one language to another are identified by this icon:
  6. Fill in the information in the variable fields (title, text, etc.)

    It is possible to include dynamic personalization based on the contact in a text field.

  7. To continue, click the Create button.
  8. The assets editor will open.
  9. In the left section, there are different tabs to configure assets settings:
    • Content allows you to modify texts, titles, images, etc.
    • Styles allows you to modify certain visual aspects (background colors, buttons, etc).
    • Identification allows you to use a code of your choice to identify the asset during a data export.
    • Results will display sending statistics after the asset has been sent to contacts.
    • Diffusion allows you to set a start and end date for the diffusion of your asset. An asset that has expired will no longer show up in related messages.
  10. The asset preview area is located in the right-hand section. You can change the display depending on the language, the zone (600px and 300px), or the type of device (desktop or mobile). If you added personalization fields, you could click the icon to change the contact's profile for previsualization.

    You must save to refresh the preview display.

  11. After you are done, save it.

In the asset library, select the asset you want to edit. The asset can be edited by double-clicking it or by moving the cursor of your mouse over it and selecting "Edit" with the pencil icon.

Using the asset block

Access pathCommunications > Email
  1. Once a new email has been created from one of the Dialog Insight templates, you will see appearing in the left menu of the email editor, the Asset block.
  2. Drag and drop this block into your email structure. Note that the block can only be added in structures with one or two columns.
  3. Select the asset to display by double-clicking on the block you have just inserted or by clicking on the pencil (upper right corner of the block).
  4. In the left editing panel, click on the pencil to the right of the text field to access the asset library.
  5. In the window that appears, select the asset you want to use, then click Apply.
  6. In the left edit panel, select the display zone that corresponds to the structure block where the content will be displayed.
  7. Click Save and Close.
  8. To preview the asset, switch to Test mode.

Asset library in the email editor

  1. In the email editor, you also have quick access to the asset library in the left panel.
  2. This menu allows you to directly edit previously created assets from the library. To edit an asset, click on the pencil. A new tab will open. Edit it to your liking and save it when you are done.
  3. You can also use this menu to integrate your asset directly into your message. To do this, drag and drop the asset into a structure block. This is an alternative and easier way to add an asset block to your email. It is always possible to modify the asset associated with the block afterward if necessary. Adjust the display zone as needed.

Delivery results and statistics

Overall results

Access pathLibraries >Predefined Contents

We track delivery data for assets that are sent to contacts. Viewing the total outcomes from all asset submissions is done as follows.

  1. In the asset library, select Statistics by clicking on the following icon in the upper right corner of the list.
  2. The list provides you with a summary of the delivery results for each asset.
  3. You have the option to export the results by selecting the Export icon.

You also have the option of viewing a specific asset's results in the asset editor by selecting the tab Results.

You can filter the results using this interface by selecting a range of dates or a language. You can also change the calculation of the click-through rate to either Clicks/Impressions or Clicks/Sends.

Results for an asset in an email

Access pathCommunications > Email

You can also view the outcomes of a particular asset associated with an email.

  1. Click the Statistics icon (upper right corner) and choose the email for which you want the results.
  2. On the results summary page, click Assets in the menu at the top of the page.
  3. The details of the outcomes of all the assets in the email are displayed.
  4. You have the option to export the results by selecting the Export button.

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