
Viewing the Web Journey of your Contacts

Once you have set up your site, defined the authorized domains and copied the tracking code on the pages you want to track, you can view the related results directly in Dialog Insight.

You can also view the tracking results of each contact in their profile, under the Tracking option.

PrerequisiteYou must have the Journey module enabled, your site configured properly and the tracking code copied on all desired pages.
Access Path  Journey > Dashboard

 How To

The Journey result summary page shows information in relation with visits to a defined site, or sites if you have more than one. You can view results for various periods, but by default, the results are shown for the last 6 months.

Here is a short description of each chart.

Chart NameDescription
Evolution of the number of visitorsChart that shows how the number of visitors has evolved over the selected period.
Summary of visitsChart that shows a summary of information about visits, such as:
  • the total number of visitors on the site
  • the total number of browser sessions opened to visit the site
  • the total number of pages viewed on the site
  • the average number of pages viewed per browser session
Source of visitsCharts that show where the visit originated from. The person might have accessed the website directly or from a link in a message, in a campaign, on a social network or from a search engine. The left chart displays information as a line chart and the right chart shows information as a list.
Mobile visitsChart that shows the number of visits that were done using a mobile device.

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