
Configuring a Message to Facilitate Validation of Variants

When you launch a sending simulation, many variants of the message can be generated. It is strongly recommended to create regions to validate your message by region instead of the entire message at once. A region is a section of the message (somehow like a <div>) which displays content that varies depending on the targeted contacts. A region isolates a group of display conditions (variants). This feature is not offered by default. It is available on demand.

Step 1: Create a Region

Start by adding Region into the email:If you want a variation for a large section of the message, use a Structure type for the Region block. If you want a specific element (button, image), use a Content type Region block instead. Yellow dotted lines indicate the beginning and the end of the region. Give a name to the region to indicate its function (introduction, promotion).

Step 2: Create a Condition

In each region, add a condition on elements you want to create variants:

The condition will control what content is shown to some contacts or not depending on the specified clause:In this case, the content will be displayed only to women.

Step 3: Validate Variants

When all variants are set, you can validate the message with the email sending simulation, which will allow you to test each variant.

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