
Configuring a Scheduled Export

Access PathProject > Data Management > Imports / Exports

Why should you use scheduled exports?

Although it is possible to export a contact list, or contact results, whenever you need, it can be useful to automatically export your list of contacts on a regular basis, for example, if you want to be certain that your data in Dialog Insight is always synchronized with the data in your other systems; that way, you're sure not to send messages to contacts who have unsubscribed, regardless of the system used.

Required preparation

The configuration and execution of a scheduled export requires preparation:

Export configuration

  1. In the page showing the import and export features, select Schedules exports.
  2. In the list of existing exports, click on Create a scheduled export.
  3. Give it a name and click Create.
  4. Once you are on the edit page, you will need to provide all the export related information. 

The configuration information is split out on multiple pages:

Configuration page

This page basically groups all the information to be provided about the export, such as the basic parameters, the destination of the export, and the different export options and schedules.

1. In the Parameters section, the name of the export is already entered, but you can always change it if needed. You can also provide a description of the export, for information purposes only.

2. In the Export destination section, select the FTP server on which to export data, as well as the complete path of the file, stating at the root of the file server. (Ex : /folder/file.csv).

3. If the desired server if not in the list, this means that is hat not been configured yet. You will need to do so beforehand. Refer to Configuring an FTP Server to get all the details.

4. You then need to specify how the file will be produced as well as the hashing algorithm for obfuscated fields.

File format

1. Start by indicating if the destination file includes a header so that this line is not copied.

Note: You should know that columns are exported in the order they are displayed, which could change it time. So if you exclude the header (or do not process column order dynamically), any change to the order of columns in the file will cause the export to fail.

2. If you want the exported file to be compressed or encrypted, you must also specify the type and/or provide the required keys, if you want data to be read and exported correctly.

3. In the same section, specify any special transfer options. 

  • By sending the file in 2 steps, you are making sure that the entire file is exported since the system generates two export files and compares them to make sure all has been transferred. 
  • If you choose to submit a confirmation file, the system will create a file that contains information about the export. This file includes information you have requested and will be placed where it is indicated on the confirmation page.

Info: This page displays only when you have enabled the option to submit a confirmation file AND saved the parameters.

Export date

1. You then have to set the frequency of the exports, as well as the desired date and time.

2. Once all configuration sections are completed, click on Save.


Configure the export content page

This page is the place where you specify:

  • What you want to export, 
  • The type of export, 
  • The project fields to export,
  •  And those you wish to obfuscate data.

1. Start by indicating the data source you wish to export - contacts from a project, data from a custom table or results from a query.

Note: you can only export contacts from the project you are in, and not from another project.

To export data from a custom table, or results from a query, you will have to specify which one.

For queries, the filtering criteria, as well as the list of fields to export, must be defined directly in the query.

2. If you export contacts, you can choose to either export them all, just those in specific groups or only those contacts who meet defined criteria.

3. If you export contacts or data from a custom table, you must specify the fields to export, as by default, they are all exported. If needed, you can code your values by obfuscation by clicking on the lock icon , or to remove it. By default, all the fields in the project or table are exported.

Info: Obscuration is a form of information blurring, which is intended to obscure the meaning that can be derived from a message or information. It may be intentional or unintentional, and may help to ensure the confidentiality or security of the information being transmitted. 

Specify export alerts to users

This page allows you to choose which users to notify when the automated export fails or succeeds, by checking one or both boxes. You can add or remove users as you wish. We advise you to put more than one person, in the event that a user is no longer active. 

Additional options

History page

This page lists all executions of the export, and shows the name of the export file, its status and size.

Multiple functions are possible from this page:

  • View - To display details about a specific export execution - its definition, results and processing sequence.
  • Retry - To redo a specific export execution, with the status of the file at this specific moment. This execution does not affect the regular schedule of exports.
  • Ignore - To remove a line from the list, for reducing the number of export executions in the history list.
  • Launch now - To launch a new execution of the export, at the current date and time; here, it's not necessary to specify which execution as the export is done as of the launch time.

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