
Sending/Resending an Email to a Contact

In the contact's profile, you can send manually an email to that contact. If the message has already been sent to that contact, you could use the Resend option. If you do not know if the contact has received the message, consult the Messages section in the contact's profile. The article on the contact's profile explains how to get there and what are the possibilities of this interface.   


To enable the message sending in the contact's profile, you must activate it. Go to Project -> Consent Management -> Communication Types. Then, select the communication type in the list on the left and check the option:

Send an email

Under the Deactivate button, click Send an email:Then, choose the message to send from the list. When you are ready, click on Send

Resend an email

In the Messages section, locate the email you want to resend to the contact and, only when you are ready, click Resend:


To see if the message has been sent correctly to the contact, see the Messages section. By clicking on See the message as sent to this contact, you will have a view of the sent content: 

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