
Integrating Dynamic Promo Codes

Once you have created a promo code lot, you can use promo codes to acquire new contacts and engage actual contacts. To do that, you must create an automated campaign with a message that contains a dynamic promo code. 


 Creating a Promo Code Lot

Create the Message

With emails, you can insert a block to integrate your promo code. All you have to is drag and drop a Dynamic promotional block into the email:Note : The Dynamic promotional is only available in recent email templates. 

There is no block available for SMS. You must configure the parameters and source manually (see Setting Up Promo Codes in SMS). After completing these configurations, you can integrate your SMS into an automated campaign (step 2). 

Configure the Automated Campaign

Create an automated campaign that has, at the minimum, a promo code AND one message:*The promo code must go before the message.

For the Grant promo code element, indicate the promo code lot to use:

For the Send an email/Send an SMS element, select the email/SMS that contains the promo code: For more info: Creating an automated campaign.


Once a message is sent, the promo codes are kept 90 days after the sending. Note that expired are deleted from the lot on the expiration date. 

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