
Adding a Condition to a Survey Question

In a survey, you can have a question that displays or not depending on the answer to a previous question.

Here is an example of using a condition:If the respondent's answer to the preferred communication is the phone (question 3), then question 4 will be displayed to ask the respondent's phone number. In this article, we will see the steps to recreate this example.

Access path: Audience → Surveys → Survey → Questions


  1. Create the question for the communication channel (with radio buttons):
    In the Choices section, add the answer options by indicating the value for each answer:
  2. Create a page for the condition.
    Note: Questions linked to a condition must be on a page dedicated to that condition. If more several questions are linked to the same condition, you can put them on the same page.                                                                                                                                                

  3. Create the question to ask the phone number:For the Rank order, indicate the page created on step 2. Click Add when you are done.                                                                                                                            
  4. Return to the edition of the phone number question (the one from step 3).                                                                                                        
  5. In the Condition section, click the magic wand icon:
    Indicate the required condition depending on the value for the phone radio button:

    Guide on Operators

    • When - Allows you to choose the previous page or question that triggers the condition.
    • Operator- Defines the operation that you want to apply to the page or condition that you choose.
      • is completed - The page is completed.
      • is not completed - The page is not completed.
      • is answered - The participant has answered the question.
      • is not answered - The participant has not answered the question.
      • is equal to - The answer is equal to a specific value.
      • is not equal to - The answer is not equal to a specific value.
      • has selected - The participant has selected a specific value.
        To select multiple values, hold down the CTRL key.
      • has not selected - The participant has not selected a specific value.


When a condition is added to a question, a question mark icon will display next to that question. By hovering the question mark, you can see the condition (in DI# programming language):To verify that the condition is well set up, it is recommended to preview the survey (use the lens in the upper right).

If you want to change your condition or add new ones, go back to the expression statements editor and select one of the following options:

  • Replace - Allows you to change the current condition.
  • Restrict the current expression (And) - Allows you to add a new condition.
  • Extend the current expression (Or) - Allows you to add an option.

*Before applying and saving, do not forget to replace the values in the When and Operator fields with your new values.

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