
Managing user accesses

Managing accesses in the Dialog Insight application can be both easy and complex, depending on whether you want to grant all users the same rights or prefer to grant different permissions based on the position or work group, or any other factor. It is important to give each user the permissions that correspond to the tasks authorized to perform to secure optimal data integrity.

Dialog Insight offers the possibility to personalize permissions for each user in the application, as access to most functionalities can be managed individually. For instance, you could authorize a user to create messages, to select a group of contacts and to prepare the mailing but not to sent it because it needs to be approved by another user. Access to messages, contacts, statistics, surveys, content manager, and others, can all be managed in Dialog Insight.

Depending on your needs, it is possible that limiting access based on functionalities is not secure enough for you; you might want to grant permissions based on communication types. For example, you might want accounting messages to only be viewed by accounting employees. In such a situation, using also categories becomes important.

Also, although permissions can be granted one by one, it can be easier and quicker to define permission groups that can later be assigned to users. For this matter, some predefined permission groups are already set in the application to make it even easier. You can use the predefined groups as is, or use them as a starting point and edit them as needed. More info Granting Access to a User

Restricting access

Imagine the following situation - In your company, there are three different departments who manage their own marketing efforts for your entire clientele. They all work with the same client base but each is responsible for communications with their "own clients" and each does not want to share results with the others. In Dialog Insight, these users all use the same contact list to prepare and send their messages, and by default, all the results are shown to all. So you need to find a way to create a virtual wall between the departments so that each only views its results, but by combining the contacts.

  • Using communication types
    Communication types are useful to group mailing statistics and to restrict access to various Dialog Insight options. For example, you could associate a communication type to each department (let's name them Dept A, B and C).
    So when a user logs in to Dialog Insight, the corresponding communication type is automatically set when a user creates a message (ex: Dept B). All elements that are related to this communication type, such as previews, tests, mailings, stats, are limited to users who have access to this communication type. The same process is repeated for each department as to allow each department to only see elements related to the communication type they were assigned.
  • Other ways of restricting access
    • Survey
      In addition to giving access to survey functionalities, you can categorize surveys in order to limit access for different users. Some common examples include public quiz managed by the webmaster, as opposed to internal surveys managed by the HR department, or a study done by an external agency, to whom you only want to give access to certain tools and data.
    • Content manager (CMS)
      Let's say you have created a newsletter for the agents in your sales department. Later on, your marketing department decides to create a newsletter for your clients, but in this case, writing and managing is done outside the company. Using categories, you can limit access to this new category you have just created for this last newsletter.
    • Contact profile
      When you prepare a project in Dialog Insight and define the fields to be included in the profile, you have the option to group fields under different sections. These sections are generally used for better visibility, but they can also be used to hide some fields in the contact profile. For example, you could create a section called "Accounting" to hold administrative information not to be shared to all. Using sections, you can then define which users have access to each section by hiding the accounting section from users not entitled to see this information.
    • Contact group
      You can categorize your contact groups to limit the accesses of different users.
  • Using security attributes
    Defining security attributes is possible when the related module is enabled for your company. When enabled, some permissions offer the option to assign attributes that can limit access to certain objects or users. In such a cas, each object (for instance, each message) can have attributes (such as a store number) and users. Consequently, it's possible to configure permissions so that a user that works in the store ABC can only access messages that are created by the store ABC.

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