
User Guide for DI# Language

You will find in the enclosure all the documentation to understand the Dialog Insight programming language (Syntax, personalization, operators, conditionnal expressions etc.) that you can use when programming an HTML or Drag n Drop email.

→ See the doc about messages

Basic Syntax

The DI# Tags

When the compiler processes code, it looks for these opening and closing tags [[ and ]], indicating the boundaries of the code that needs to be parsed. Everything outside the DI# opening and closing tags is ignored. Inside those tags, if you want to display simple text that should not be interpreted as code, you can use the output.write(…); method. If there is only a single operation between the tags, you can use the [[=… ;]] shortcut. 

The following code [[="text";]] 
is a shortcut for [[output.write("text");]]

Escaping from HTML

Everything outside the opening/closing tags is ignored by the compiler, which allows DI# code with mixed contents. DI# code can be inserted in HTML documents to create templates, among other things. 

<p>This will be ignored by compiler</p>
[[="This will be analyzed by the DI# compiler";]]
<p>This will also be ignored by the compiler and displayed by the browser.</p>


<p>This will be ignored by the compiler and displayed by the browser.</p>
[[output.write("This will be analyzed by the compiler");]]</p>
<p>This will also be ignored by the compiler and displayed by the browser.</p>
// Example 1 of advanced escaping using conditions
[[if(a > b){]]
This will be displayed if the expression is true.

[[} else {]]
Otherwise, this will be displayed.

// Example 2 d'échappement avancé en utilisant des conditions
if(a > b)
"This will be displayed if the expression is true.");
"Otherwise, this will be displayed.");

In this example, the compiler will ignore blocks where the condition is not met, even if they're outside the DI# opening/closing tags. If the above condition is true, all the code contained in the else condition will not be evaluated since the DI# interpreter will skip the blocks where the condition is false. 

Instruction Delimiters

Like C#, Perl or PHP, the DI# language requires instructions to be terminated by a semicolon. The closing tags do not imply the end of a statement, the semicolon is mandatory. 


Le DI# allows 2 types of comments:

  1. Single-line comments: Single-line comments can be an entire line or just the last part of one. Begin your comment with // and everything for there to the end of the line will be ignored by the compiler. 
  2. Mutiline comments: Multiline comments can stretch over a large chunk of code. Begin your comment with /* and finish it with */ Everything in-between will be ignored by the compiler. 

Survol des types de données

stringCharacter stringA Unicode character string, each character is stored using 2 bytes. The string is delimited by quoting marks (").
Inside a string the symbol \ is used to escape when using special characters such as (\r) for carriage returns or (\n) for line breaks.
intInteger numberA 32 bits integer number between -2 147 483 648 and 2 147 483 647.
decimalDecimal numberHigh precision floating point numbers (28-29 significant digits). Values range from (-7.9x1028)/(10028) to (7.9x1028)/(10028). 
datetimeDate et timeSpecifies a date with the following formats:
• aaaa.MM.jj HH:mm:ss
• aaaa.MM.jj HH:mm
• aaaa.MM.jj

Note that it is not a string: a date must not be inside quotes. For the the time, it can be omited. The seconds can be omited too. If you don't specify the secondes, the value will be 0 seconds.
boolBooleanA boolean value can be either TRUE or FALSE.
timespanTime spanContrary to some other languages, timespan represents an amount of time, whether it's days, hours, minutes or seconds. This type exists primarily to perform operations datetime variables. Example: timespan t = date1 – date2 ; Note: To directly assign a timespan variable, you must specify a value corresponding to a number of days (for example, 2.25 if you want to represent 2 days and 6 hours) 
datasourceData sourceAny type of data listed in this grid, or any complex data type like arrays, lists, dictionaries, etc. (similar to the var data type in C#. 

In order to be compatible with projects or relational tables that include nullable fields, some of the data types allow for null values. However, we strongly advise against using nullable types in your code, in order to reduce the risks of execution error. 

Note: For certain data types (int, decimal, datetime) the DI# language allows values larger than what is supported by the database, meaning that it's possible to create a variable containing a value that cannot be stored in a database field of the same type as the variable. Refer to the projects and relational tables documentation to make sure of what the database limits are. 

// Example  
string a = "text";
int b = 1;
decimal c = 1.234;
datetime d1 = 2016.01.01 12:34:56;
datetime d2 = 2016.01.01;
bool e = true; // or false or null
timespan g = 2.25; // 2 days 6 hours
datasource h = {1, 2, 3};

Type Description

The DI# language implements several methods allowing for easy manipulation of the basic data types (string, int, etc.). 

Property or methodReturned TypeDescription
LengthintReturns the number of characters in a string object. 
Capitalize(...)stringMyText.Capitalize() puts the 1st letter of the string in uppercase. MyText.Capitalize(true) puts the 1st letter of every word of the string in uppercase.
IndexOf(...)intMyText.IndexOf("find") returns the position of the 1st occurrence of the string passed as a parameter within the searched string.
LastIndexOf(...)intMyText.LastIndexOf("find") returns the position of the last occurrence of the string passed as a parameter within the searched string. 
Left(n)stringReturns the first n characters from the left of the string. Equivalent to MyText.Substring(0,n). 
Right(n)stringReturns the first n characters from the right of the string. Equivalent to MyText.Substring(MyText.Length-n,n).
Replace(...)stringMyText.Replace("find","replace") returns a new string object where all occurrences of the 1st parameter string have been replaced with the 2nd parameter string. 
Substring(...)stringMyText.Substring(start, length) Extracts part of the original string, starting at the 1st parameter index, for the number of characters specified in the 2nd parameter. MyText.Substring(start) Extracts the characters from the original string, starting at a specific position, to the end of the string. 
ToString(...)stringConverts all characters from a string to lowercase. 
ToLower()stringConverts all characters from a string to lowercase.
ToUpper()stringConverts all characters from a string to uppercase. 
Trim()stringRemoves all leading and trailing spaces from the string. 
// Examples
string MyText = "this IS a character string ";
MyText.Length; // Returns the number 28
MyText.Capitalize (true); // Returns "This IS A Character String "
MyText.Capitalize(); // or MyText.Capitalize(false); // Return the string: "This IS a character string "
MyText.IndexOf("s"); // Returns the number 3
MyText.LastIndexOf("s"); // Returns the number 20
MyText.Left(12); // Retourne la chaine : "This IS a ch"
MyText.Right(12); // Retourne la chaîne : "ter string "
MyText.Replace("character", "test");
// Returns the string: "this IS a test string "
MyText.Substring(12); // Returns "ter string"
MyText.Substring(12, 3); // Retourne "ter"
// Returns "this is a character string "
MyText.Trim(); // Return "This IS a character string"

Note that based on the data type of the value returned by these methods and properties, you can chain other methods and properties. 

string MyTexte = "this is a CHARACTER string ";
MonTexte.Trim() .Replace ("CHARACTER", "test") .Capitalize(); // Returns "this is a CHARACTER string"
Property or MethodReturned TypeDescription
ToString()stringReturns the value of the object as a character string. 
Property or MethodReturned TypeDescription
ToString()stringReturns the value of the object as a character string.
Property or MethodReturned TypeDescription
AddYears(n)DateTimeAdds n years to the original date.
AddMonths(n)DateTimeAdds n months to the original date. 
AddDays(n)DateTime Adds n days to the original date.  
AddHours(n)DateTime Adds n hours to the original date.  
AddMinutes(n)DateTime Adds n minutes to the original date.  
AddSeconds(n)DateTimeAdds n seconds to the original date. 
DateDiff(d)TimeSpanSubtracts the d date from the original date and returns a timespan. 
isDST()boolReturns true if the original date is using Daylight Savings Time, based on the culture of the execution context. 
ToString(...)StringReturns the value of the object as a character string. The result can be formatted using customization parameters. For more details:
DateDateTimeReturns a new date composed only of the year/month/day of the original date. Hours/minutes/seconds are ignored. 
YearIntReturns the year part of the original date. 
Month IntReturns the month number (1 to 12) of the original date. 
DayIntReturns the day of the month (1 to 31) of the original date. 
DayOfYearIntReturns the day of the year (1 to 365) of the original date. 
DayOfWeekIntReturns the day of the week (Sunday = 1, Saturday = 7) of the original date. 
HourIntReturns the hour part (0 to 23) of the original date. 
MinuteIntReturns the minute part (0 to 59) of the original date. 
SecondIntReturns the second part (0 to 59) of the original date. 
TicksIntReturns the number of ticks elapsed between January 1st, 0001 and the original date. 1 second = 10 000 000 ticks. 
datetime MyDate = 2016.01.01 12:34:56;
MyDate.AddYears (3); // Returns 2019-01-01 12:34:56
MyDate.AddMonths (3); // Returns 2016-04-01 12:34:56
MyDate.AddDays (3); // Returns 2016-01-04 12:34:56
MyDate.AddHours (3); // Returns 2016-01-01 15:34:56
MyDate.AddMinutes (3); // Returns 2016-01-01 12:37:56
MyDate.AddSeconds (3); // Returns 2016-01-01 12:34:59
MyDate.DateDiff ("2014.03.03").Days; // Returns 669
MyDate.isDST (); // Returns False
MyDate.ToString (); // Returns 2016.01.01 12:34:56
MyDate.ToString ("d/M/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); // Returns "1-1-2016 12:34:56"
MyDate.ToString ("F"); // Returns "1 January 2016 12:34:56"
MyDate.ToString ("ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH':'mm':'ss 'GMT' ");
// Returns "Friday., 1 January. 2016 12:34:56 GMT"
MyDate.Date; // Returns 2016-01-01 00:00:00
MyDate.Day; // Returnn 1
MyDate.DayOfWeek; // Returns 5
MyDate.DayOfYear; // Returns 1
MyDate.Hour; // Returns 12
MyDate.Minute; // Returns 34
MyDate.Month; // Returns 1
MyDate.Second; // Returns 56
MyDate.Ticks; // Returns 635872484960000000
MyDate.Year; // Returns 2016
Property or MethodReturned TypeDescription
ToString()stringReturns the character string "True" or "False". 
Property or MethodReturned TypeDescription
ToString()stringReturns the value of the object as a character string. 

Arrays and Collections

A DI# array is a container for one or more variables, associating keys with values in an ordered way. It can be used for simple lists, dictionaries, or more complex purposes like hash tables, queues and more. The value of an array element can be a single variable, a list or a multidimensional array. The data type of each element in an array can be fixed or dynamic (the same way List<datatype> works in any .NET language).


A typical array declaration in DI# looks like this:
{ value1, value2, value3 }

datasource myArray = { 1, 2, 3, "abc", "def" };

You can define a collection of named elements like this:
{ fieldName1 : value1, fieldName2 : value2, fieldName3 : value3 }

datasource myDictionary = { FristName : "John", LastName : "Smith", Age : 30 };
// An element's value is an expression, which itself can contain other expressions like in
 this example
datasource myArray =
{ FirstName : "Jean", LastName : "Tremblay", Age : 40 },
{ FirstName : "John", LastName : "Smith", Age : 30 }


There are 2 ways to instantiate an array:

  1. Declare an array with fixed length: int a[10];
  2. Declare an array with a variable length: string b[] ;
string a[] = {"text1", "text2", "text3"};  
int b[] = {1, 2, 3};
decimal c[] = {1.111, 2.222, 3.333};
datetime d[] = {2016.01.01 01:01:01, 2016.02.02 02:02:02, 2016.03.03
bool e[] = {true, false, null};
timespan g[] = {1472500, 1472500};
datasource h[] = {123, "texte1", 1.111, 2016.01.01 01:01:01, true};
// You can assign inital values when declaring the array.
int a[10] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
string b[] = { "texte 1", "test", "abc" };

Once an array is declared, it can only accept values of the type specified. Example: int a[10] will only accept integer values.

Comparison Operators

Simples Operators

Opérateurs simples
ExempleType de retourDescription
a == bEqualTRUE if a equals b. 
a != bDifferent thanTRUE if is not equal to.
a > bLesser thanTRUE if a is lesser than but not not equal.
a<= bLesser or equal toTRUE if a is lesser or equal to b.
a > bGreater thanTRUE if a is greater than b but not equal.
a >= bGreater or equal toTRUE if a is greater or equal to b.

Contrary to some languages like PHP, these operators cannot be used on string variables. DI# does not support "alphabetical order" comparisons like "abc"<"bcd" that other languages allow. 

Complex Operators

LIKE (and its opposite, NOT LIKE) evaluates a character string based on pattern matching, with the % symbol being used as a wildcard that replaces any number of consecutive characters

  • LIKE "a%" will return TRUE if the string value begins with "a".  
  • LIKE "%a" will return TRUE if the string value ends with "a". 
  • LIKE "%a%" will return TRUE if the string contains "a" anywhere in it, including at the beginning or at the end. 
  • LIKE "th%s" will return TRUE if the string starts with "th" and ends with "s", no matter how many characters are between. "this", "thus", "thanks" would all fit. 
  • LIKE "abc" with no wildcard (%) has the same effect as the equal operator (==). 

CONTAINS (or its opposite NOT CONTAINS): searches inside a string value for the occurrence of a specific character string.  

  • CONTAINS "abc" will return TRUE if the string value contains "abc" somewhere inside the string, including at the beginning or at the end. It has the same effect as LIKE "%abc%" 
  • CONTAINS only applies to character strings. It cannot be used to determine whether an array or a list contains a specific value. 

IS NULL (and its opposite IS NOT NULL) :  tests if a variable contains a value or not. Note that in the case of a string variable, an empty value ("") is NOT the same as a NULL value. A NULL value is when a variable has not been assigned a value at all. 

string a = "this is a test";  output.write(a contains "this" ? true : false);
// Returns True  
output.write(a like "this" ? true : false); // Returns False output.write(a like"this%" ? true : false); // Returns True
output.write(a is null ? true : false); // Returns False

Mathematical Operators

Opérateurs supportés
a + bAdditionSum of a and b. 
a - bSubtractionRemainder of b taken away from a. 
a * bMultiplicationa multiplied by b. 
a / bDivisiona divided by b. 
a % bModuloTake b away from a as many times as possible, the modulo is the remainder (will always be an integer number lesser than b). 

Note: The negation operator is not supported when applied to variables. The -b expression will not compile, try multiplying by -1 instead (b * -1). Because of this, a subtraction written a-b will not compile unless you leave a space after the minus sign (a - b will compile just fine). 

Array Operators

Unitary Operators

  • Set the value of an item at a specific position of an array:
    x[0] = 123; // the value of the 1st item (index 0) is now 123 
  • Add an item at the end of a dynamic-size array:
    x[] += "test"; // add an item "test" at the end of an array of strings 
  • Delete a value from a dynamic-size array:
    x[] -= "test"; // all items with the value "test" will be removed 

Batch Operators

  • Assign multiple values with a single instruction:
    x = { "blue", "red", "green" };
    // x now contains 3 items - "blue", "red" and "green" 
  • Add multiple items at the end of a dynamic-size array:
    x[] += { "blue", "pink", "blue" };
    // x now contains 6 items "blue", "red", "green", "orange", "pink" and "yellow" 
  • Delete multiple values from a dynamic-size array:
    x[] -= { "blue", "pink"};
    // all items with the value "blue" or "pink" will be removed 

All the above examples assume that you are using values of the correct data type for the array being modified.

Portée des variables (scope)

The scope of a variable depends on the context in which it has been declared. A variable defined at the code root will be visible for the entire script, and a variable declared in a function will be limited to that function. You can think of a variable's context as being delimited by { and }. Any variable declared inside curly brackets has a local scope. 

int x = 123; // global scope
string MyFunction(string value)
int y = 456; // local scope
x = x + 1; // global variables can be accessed in a function

Query Expressions

Query expressions can be used to fetch and transform information from any complex data source. These queries can retrieve, sort and filter an array (dictionary, list, etc.). Their goal is, starting from an array, to create a new data source that:  

  • Filters the original array (WHERE clause)
  • Sorts the original array (ORDER BY clause)
  • Extracts a specific property from items in the original array
  • Deduplicates items (DISTINCT option) 
Query ElementDescription
SelectSpecifies the values to extract from the data source. Use the distinct option if you only wish to return unique values. 
FromIdentifies the data source to which the query is applied. 
WhereAllows the filtering of results using inclusion or exclusion rules. 
Order bySorts the data according to one or more fields, in ascending or descending order. Supported keywords: asc, ascending, desc, descending

All these elements come together like this:
select identifier.proprerty1
from identifier in expression
where identifier.propriete1 = valeur
order by (identifier.propriete2 asc)

With :

  • Expression: the structure from which the data will be extracted (array, collection, etc.). 
  • Identifier: the name of the variable that will be used to refer to the data source (in the select, where and order by clauses).  
// Let's suppose the following data source:
datasource Vehicules =
{ Brand: "Toyota", Model: "Sienna", Year: 2015},
{ Brand: "Ford", Model: "Fusion", Year: 2013},
{ Brand: "Chevrolet", Model: "Equinox", Year: 2005 },
{ Brand: "Hyundai", Model: "Accent", Year: 2016 },
{ Brand: "Mazda", Model: "CX-5", Year: 2015 },
{ Brand: "Hyundai", Model: "Accent", Year: 2010 }, };

// To select the brands of all the vehicle:
datasource Brands = select car.Brand
from car in Vehicules;
/* The resulting Brands object would contain:  


// To select the unique brands (without duplicates) of all the vehicle
datasource Brands = select distinct car.Brand
from car in Vehicules;
The resulting Brands object would contain:


// To select the unique brands of all the vehicles, from the most recent to the oldest:
datasource Marques = select distinct voiture.Marque
from voiture in Vehicules
order by (voiture.Annee desc);
The resulting Brands object would contain:
// To select the unique brands of all the vehicles, from the most recent to the oldest, excluding those from before 2014 : [[ datasource Brands = select distinct car.Brand from car in Vehicles where (car.year > 2014) order by (car.Year desc); ]] /* The resulting Brands object would contain: Hyundai Mazda Toyota */
// Note that it's possible to clone an array by selecting all its items:
datasource VehiculesCopy = select car from car in Vehicules;

Important Notes

Although they are powerful, the data source query features come at a huge performance cost. If used incorrectly in a message, these queries can have an important impact on the speed at which messages are prepared. A single query placed in a message sent to a million contacts will have to be processed a million times. Don't hesitate to ask our support team or our analysts for advice when creating messages requiring this level of complexity. 

Flow Control


The if instruction is one of the most important keywords in any programming language. It allows the conditional execution of a code block. In DI#, if works the same way as in most languages.

if (expression)  
command ;


if (expression)  
Command 1 ;
Command 2 ;

expression must return a boolean value. If it evaluates to TRUE the associated code block will be executed, if it evaluates to FALSE the commands will be ignored. 

/* In the example below, the sentence "a is larger than b" will be shown only if a is larger than b
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
if (a > b)
output.write("a is larger than b");

You can insert if statements inside other if statements, allowing for great flexibility when it comes to selecting code execution based on a large number of parameters. 


You will often need to execute some commands if a particular condition is met and some other commands if it isn't. The else keyword is used after an if and provides a code block to be executed when the expression evaluates to FALSE. 

/* In the example below, the sentence "a is larger than b" will be shown only if a is larger than b, and the sentence "a is smaller or equal to b" if it isn't.
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
if (a > b) {
output.write("a is larger than b");
} else {
output.write("a is smaller or equal to b");

if/else shorthand

Like in C#, it is possible to abbreviate an if-else statement by using the ?: operator. 

int a = 1;
int b = 2;
output.write((a > b) ? "a is larger than b" : "no it's not");

Note: Due to limitations in the DI# compiler, make sure that you place the condition between parentheses when using this operator. 


The while instruction is the simplest way to implement a code loop in DI#. This command behaves the same way as in C. 

// Here is the most simple example of a while loop:
while (expression)
commande ;


while (expression)
Commandes 1 ;
Commandes 2 ;
// The following example displays the numbers 1 through 10
int a = 1;
while (a <= 10)

Note: Pay particular attention to the management of the variable on which the condition is based to avoid creating endless loops. As a safety measure, DI# while statements are limited to 250 iterations. 


→ Array Iterator

The foreach statement provides a simple way of going through elements of an array. 

foreach (identifier in expression) 
command ;


foreach (identifier in expression) 
command 1 ;
command 2 ;

identifier is the chosen name for the variable holding the value of each individual item contained in expression as we go through the loops. This variable will be of the same data type as the values in the array.  

/* The example below shows how to display all the elements of a simple array of integer numbers:
int myArray[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
foreach(number in myArray)

→ Using a complex expression

Since a foreach allows iterating through any array resulting from the evaluation of an expression, it's possible to use complex expressions directly in the foreach statement. 

datasource myArray =
{ FirstName : "Jean", Name : "Tremblay", Age : 40 },
{ FirstName : "John", Name : "Smith", Age : 30 }
foreach(Namevalue in (select item.LastName
from item in myArray
order by (item.Age)))
output.write("Last Name :" + Namevalue);

→ Iterating with a Counter

As it's the case in several programming languages, it is possible to maintain a counter while going through the foreach loop:
foreach (counter => identifier in expression)
command ;

counter is the name of a variable that will contain an integer number starting at 0 that will be incremented by 1 each time a new identifier is fetched from expression

int myArray[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
foreach(itemOrder => number in myArray)
output.write("position : " + itemOrder);
output.write("value : " + number);

Note: Like the while statement, a foreach loop is limited to 250 iterations 


/* The break command is used to terminate a foreach or while loop before all its elements
   have been processed. The example below stops the execution of the foreach after the
   number 3 has been processed.
  int myArray[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};  
  foreach(number in myArray)  
                if (number == 3)


The switch statement is the equivalent of a series of if instructions based on the same expression. In some situations, you will need to test the value of a variable and provide several code blocks to be executed according to the possible values of that variable. The switch statement is built specifically for that purpose. 

Switch (expression) { case value : command; }


Switch (expression)  
case value :
command 1;
command 2;
/* Both examples below are ways of achieving the same effect, one with a series of if
 statements, the other with a switch.
int i = 0;
if (i == 0)
output.write("i égal 0");
if (i == 1)
output.write("i égal 1");
if (i == 2)
output.write("i égal 2");
switch (i)
case 0:
output.write("i égal 0");
case 1:
output.write("i égal 1");
case 2:
output.write("i égal 2");
output.write("i égal 2");

Contrary to other programming languages, it is not necessary in DI# to use the break instruction to end the various case blocks inside your switch. Once a case is reached, the commands it contains will be executed and the compiler will exit the switch statement. There is also no default statement in the DI# version of switch, if no case match the branching expression, no code will be executed.  


The continue command is used inside a foreach or while, and forces that loop to begin processing the next item immediately without executing any of the remaining commands for the current iteration. 

/* The example below will display every number contained in the array except for 3, since the continue keyword will trigger the beginning of the next loop immediately, skipping the output.write command. 
Datasource myArray[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
foreach(number in myArray)
if (number == 3)


The return command forces the current module to exit and hands back control to the part of the program that had called it, resuming code execution at the next line of the calling module.  

  • If return is called from inside a function it terminates that function immediately. 
  • If return is called from the main program, code execution is terminated completely.   

Return accepts a single optional parameter that, if present, becomes the return value of the function being terminated. 

/* In the example below, return stops the execution of checkNumber and returns a value to the main program that gets stored in the result variable.
            	string checkNumber(int x) 
                	if (x == 0) 
                    	   return "x égal 0";
                   	if (x == 1) 
                    	   return "x égal 1"; 
                        if (x == 2) 
                    	   return "x égal 2"; 
                string result = checkNumber(1); 
                // Returns "x equal 1" 

Note : if the return command is used at the root from the script, it will stop the execution of the script and the returned value by return can replace what the script should have returned.



Function declaration in DI# follows the same basic structure as in C. 

[Type] [Name] ([Parameter1], [Parameter2], etc.)

Functions must be defined at the root code level. They cannot be defined inside another function or inside any curly-bracket-delimited scope ({ }). 

/* Example of a simple function declaration, with 2 integer parameters and an integer
 return value:
int addNumbers (int x, int y)
return x + y;

// Example of function declaration with a default parameter value 
void OutputWithHTMLTag (string value, string Tag = "B")
if (value is null)
Output.write("<" + Tag + ">" + value + ">");


  • A function can return any data type (string, int, decimal, etc.), but if your function declaration specifies a return type, the function itself HAS to return a value of the specified data type no matter how it terminates its execution. 
  • The return type of a function can be void, in which case a simple return statement without any parameters is sufficient to end the function's execution, or reaching the end of the function's commands.   


A function gets called like any other programming language:
functionName(params)     OR     functionName()

A void function (without a return value) can be used as a simple statement inside a function or any code block:
OutputWithTags("my text", "i"); 

Functions with a return value of any type other than void can be used as expressions or values:
int x = addNumbers(1,1);

Variable Scope

Like it has been mentioned before, variables declared inside functions are visible only for that scope. Global variables declared at the root code level are visible everywhere. 

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