
Creating a group of contacts who have filled a lead generation form

If a person wishes to download a document, or requests information or other, and you have associated a lead generation form to the action, the person will have to fill out this form before they can proceed. The provided information is registered in Dialog Insight, based on the update mode you have selected.

In addition of being displayed in the contact profile, the lead generation information can be used to make contact searches, or create groups of contacts.

Access PathAudience > Contacts > Groups

 How To

  1. Creating a group of contacts based on the lead generation information is done the same way as any other search using data from the relational tables.
    Refer to Creating a group of contacts to find out all the steps.

Here are the possible form types, if you wish to create a group based on a specific action:

Form typesRelated action
DownloadDownloading a file
InfoRequesting information
QuoteRequesting the price of a product or service
DemoRequesting a demonstration
OtherOther requests

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