
Configure messages related to an event

3 types of message processes can be set up for the creation of your event


Registration message

  1. Select Registration Message to check the box and activate the first sequence
  2. Click on Registration Message to access the creation interface
  3. Follow this article to create a message like in the traditional message editor
  4. If you have enabled the confirmation process, keep the registration confirmation CTA. If not, remove it.
  5. Remove the Cancel Registration CTA if necessary
  6. Remove the Calendar CTA if you haven't set up iCalendar, but we strongly suggest you do. Refer to this article to do so.
Idea! Keep the message short, include information about how the activity will work if appropriate, highlight the date and time of the activity (and then link to a Dialog Insight landing page to easily reference the event).

Option: cancellation received

If you agree to receive cancellations, and you have kept the CTA in the post-registration email, you need to create the cancellation confirmation page. 

  1. Click on Cancellation received
  2. The header and footer are set up as on your event registration page
  3. Edit the content area

Authentification sequence

Confirming the contact registered for the activity is a good practice to ensure the quality of your database. 

  1. Select ask for confirmation to check the box and activate this sequence
  2. Edit the Succesful Confirmation and Declined Confirmation pages like the other pages related to the activity

Administrative sequence

Select this option if you wish to receive internal communications indicating when a new contact is registered for the activity. 

  1. Select Notification to check the box and activate this sequence
  2. Click on the email icon to edit the message
    Note: The administrative message editing area is different from the traditional editor. Use your cursor to indicate where you would like to add email above or below the area pre-populated by the fields. Use the work area to edit your message. 
  3. Add the sender's name, the sending email (return email is optional)
  4. Click on Save
  5. The administrative message is already configured to indicate
    • The name of the activity
    • The form fields
    • The answers to the form fields provided by the contact
  6. In the central panel, edit the content directly by adding or removing form fields
  7. Options in the left panel, to be inserted in the central area according to the location of your cursor:
    1. Insert an image with the Image Library tab
    2. Insert one or more personalization fields with the Personalization tab
    3. Add a link with the Links library 
    4. Insert Dynamic Content by specifying the IF and Else criteria
    5. Attach a File to your message
  8. Click Save when your changes are complete
  9. Click on Process to return to the process and select the contacts eligible to receive this message
Note: Keep administrative communication simple, limiting visual and textual elements. This way, it will have a better chance of reaching the inboxes of selected contacts. 

Choose the administrative contacts who will receive the notifications

  1. Click on the person icon next to the email in the Notification zone
  2. Edit or add the sender's name and email if necessary
  3. In the recipient area, click on Add
  4. Choose the contact from the drop-down list. *The contact must exist in the database to be added.
  5. Click on Add
  6. Add more contacts if necessary
  7. Click on Save

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