
Configuring my Notifications for the Account (Admin)

A notification feed allows account users to create and subscribe to notification emails for errors for the all the account or a specific project. These emails allow recipients to quickly react to mistakes and fix them before becoming an issue like lost data or lowering engagement. For example, if an error occurs in the processing of an email, the user can correct it and relaunch the campaign, creating a seamless experience for the contact. 

There are two default feeds (for more details, see the table at the end of this article):

  • Processing Errors
  • Account Management Alerts

To subscribe or unsubscribe, the user who wants to modify his notifications must go to the Account Manager:

In Users -> Notification Feeds, a Subscribe/Unsubscribe button displays next to each feed in the list:

Create a custom feed
The generic feeds may be too broad for your use of the platform. Therefore, you may select the notifications that are relevant to you by clicking Create under Custom feeds. You will have to indicate which users to target. 

A personalized feed may apply only to the whole account or one specific project. Consequently if you want notifications for more than one project, without targeting the whole account you must create multiple feeds.

Note : You can modify a feed, but the changes will apply to all the subscribers. Therefore, if you wish to change the notifications you receive, we recommend creating a separate feed.
Non-exhaustive list for default notification feeds
Processing ErrorsAccount Management Alerts
  • Email
  • SMS
  • Mobile Push
  • Web Push
  • Marketing Automation
  • Automatic Imports
  • Log Exports
  • Automatic Exports 
  • Score
  • Personas
  • Custom Task
  • SMS Budgets
  • Web Services
  • SSL Certificates
  • Promo Codes (threshold)

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