
SMS results

Results for your SMS are available in different sections of your project. On the home page, there is an overview of your SMS' performance, and in the Analytics section, there are detailed statistics.


On the home page, you can consult a summary of the performances:These statistics are updated once a day. There could be a disparity between the data displayed here and the data in real-time.

Detailed Results

In Analytics → SMS, you can consult detailed results for each message. Start by selecting the type of results you want to see, either for SMS or Mailings, using the sliding control or by clicking on the related icon. In the list, click on the message you want to see results and click View. By clicking on the green lines, you can see information on recipients:

ProductionTotal number of SMS in production, in production error or left to produce.
DeliveryTotal number of delivered SMS (green) and SMS in delivery error (red).
ConfirmationTotal number of delivered SMS, either with confirmation from the provider that the SMS was delivered (dark green), or without this confirmation (light green). Note, however, that not all providers give confirmations.

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