
Personalizing a Landing Page With Parameters

The parameters allow you to personalize the content of your pages that are visited with a link in a communication within the platform. For example, you can insert the first name or display a block of content according to a data from his contact profile, such as the province. Your page then retrieves these parameters from its URL in order to insert personalization and display dynamic blocks.


Add Parameters

Go to the edition page for the landing page you want to add parameters. On the right, under Parameters, you have default parameters for the first name and the last name. For new parameters, click Add:

Specify the parameter data you want to inject into the landing page:

In this example, the city of the contact who visits the page will be injected (using a project field).

  • Code: The parameter that will appear in the URL and will be used for personalization and dynamic content.
  • Label: Internal name identifying the parameter.
  • Type: Expected data type. For example, if you select Integer but the parameter value contains letters, the page will not be accessible. When in doubt, select Text.
  • Maximum Length: Maximum number of characters accepted for the Text type.
  • Required: Indicates whether this data is required to view the landing page. It is recommended to uncheck this box.
  • Default value: Data to use if no data is provided.
  • Value for previews: The value that is displayed in the preview interface for the landing page.

Note: Each parameter added will be available in all your page versions.


This way, when a contact clicks your landing page link, the parameters will be used to personalize the content according to the contact's data. For example, the page title could adapt depending on the contact's city. 

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