
Setting Up the Salesforce Integration

The Salesforce integration allows you to synchronize your data (contacts, leads and other objects) between Salesforce and Dialog Insight. The synchronization works in both directions. However, some restrictions apply for synchronizing contacts created in a DI project (see the diagram in the Prerequisites section). 


Structure of DI projects
You must first evaluate your needs. Depending on the data you want to synchronize, you may have to create more than one project. In the diagram, there are examples of supported types of projects and triggers. You could use a type A or B project (or both).

Do you acquire contacts with DI (contact creation)?
You must use a type B project to synchronize these new contacts toward Salesforce (thus creating these contacts in Salesforce). Next, you can synchronize these contacts from Salesforce to a type A project used for your communications.

Primary key and project's fields

Every project must have a primary key (an ID to identify each contact and to ensure there are no duplicates). See the diagram to know which primary key is recommended depending on the project's type. 

Make sure you have the necessary fields to receive or send data. The format of the fields should be compatible with fields from Salesforce. Do not forget to build the tables after creating your project.

Step 1: Configure an External Connection

Go to Project → Data Management → External Connections and click Third party connections list (under External Connections). Then, click Create a new third party connection:  

Select Salesforce as the source, give a name to your connection and click on See third-party service authorizations:

Click on Create an authorization:

Give a name to the authorization and click on Authorize access. When it is approved, click on Continue:When it is done, select the authorization and click on Save.

Step 2: Install the Plugin

This step is not necessary for synchronizing data from DI to Salesforce. When installing the plugin, it is done on all the projects contained in your DI account. 

Go to the edition of the third party connection you just created by clicking on Edit:

Click on the link to install the plugin:

You will have to log in to your account. If you have a previous version of the plugin, you will receive a notification for uninstalling it. You will have to reconfigure some settings in Salesforce you had done. 

When you are asked 

For the question "What if existing components names conflict with ones in this package?",
it is recommended to choose Do not install. 
For the authorized group of users, it is recommended to choose Install for all users:

When you are done choosing the options, click on Install.

Then, approve the Dialog Insight domain(s) you are currently using and click on Continue:

A confirmation will tell you the installation is complete (it may take several minutes):

Step 3: Add a Destination Project 

For Salesforce to know which project to use to send or receive data, you must add Destination Project. 

In Salesforce, go to DI Destination Projects, then click on New:You must then fill in the required keys and click on Authorize

These keys are available on the page Edit third party connection

If you have several projects, add each project as a Destination Project.

Step 4: Synchronize the Data

Now, you will see how to configure the synchronization for each Salesforce object (Contacts, Leads or any other Salesforce object that is compatible with your project), depending on the data you want to transfer. You can synchronize any type of Salesforce object (standard or custom) toward a custom table of your DI project provided that the format of the fields of the table are compatible with the format of the fields from the synchronized Salesforce object. To learn more on the structure of the Salesforce objects available in your acount, see the Object Manager documentation. You must configure a transfer for every object and for every project implied.    

To understand what are the supported triggers, see the diagram at the beginning of this article in the Prerequisites section. The following process must be done for every object to synchronize (and for every project implied if you are using more than one). To setup an object synchronization, complete the following configurations: 

4.1. Create a DI Data Transfer
To start, go to the DI Data Transfers section of your account and click on New:

Fill-in the required information. When you are done, click Save, then, click the + under Action:For the DI Object Name, you must type the code of the custom table. You can find the code in the Relational data section (under Configuration). For the contacts' table of your project, the code would be Contact with a capital letter.

Then, add the fields from the Salesforce object depending on those you want to use for the synchronization and confirm your selection by clicking on Save:Do not forget to include the field corresponding to the primary key of your project or the custom table implied.  
4.2. Add a transfer in DI
Now, go back to your DI project and click Add at the bottom of the Edit third party connection page: Then, choose the Data type:For Salesforce objects (standard or custom), select among your custom tables in your list.
4.3. Add opt-ins (toward Salesforce only)
You can include opt-ins in the synchronization of data from DI toward Salesforce (only in this direction). Your DI contacts' optins are sent to Salesforce (and opt-in fields are created in Salesforce).

Click on Opt-ins:
Add opt-ins among those available in the list:
4.4. Map the project fields
Go to Mapping:

Click Add mapping:
Start by mapping the primary key (depending on the structure of your project). Type the name of the field (as on the left) as it appears in Salesforce (as on the right):

When you are done with the mapping, click Activate:
4.5. Create a data integration (toward Salesforce only)
*This step is only required for synchronization from DI to Salesforce. 

Go back to External connections and click on Create a data integration

Then, select the connection to use and check the operations (triggers) that apply to your goals: Click on Activate when you are ready to synchronize.

Step 5: First Manual Import with a CSV File

After activating the synchronisation, the tables do not contain data. You can do a first data load to the DI table or the Salesforce object depending on the case. 

Some useful ressources:

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