This article presents all the methods you can use when coding messages in Dialog Insight using the language DI#.
**Note that this documentation is intended for partners.**
Config Namespace
Offers message configuration properties.
Note: Available in emails only.
Config Properties | ||
Name | Type | Description |
isShowMessage | bool | Returns true in the web version of the email, else returns false. |
isWebArchive | bool | Returns true in a web archive, else returns false. |
Returns true in the web version of the email, else returns false.
[[if (Config.isShowMessage) {]] You are in the web version. // This text will be displayed in the web version of the email. [[}]]
Returns true in a web archive, else returns false.
[[if (Config.isWebArchive) {]] You are in the web archive. // This text will will be displayed in the web archive of the message. [[}]]
Converter Class
Converts a value to another format.
Converter Methods | ||
Name | Parameters | Description |
istInt | object Value | Validates that the value is an integer. |
isDecimal | object Value | Validates that the value is a decimal. |
isDateTime | object Value | Validates that the value is a date & time. |
isDate | object Value | Validates that the value is a date. |
isBool | object Value | Validates that the value is a boolean. |
isDataSource | object Value | Validates that the value is a datasource. |
ToInt | object Value | Converts the value to a 32 bit integer. |
ToDecimal | object Value | Converts the value to a decimal number. |
ToDateTime | object Value | Converts an object to a date & time format. |
ToDate | object Value | Converts the value to a date format. |
ToBool | object Value | Converts the value to a boolean. |
Validates that the value is an integer.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Value | object | Object to validate. |
Converter.isInt("123"); // Returns true
Converter.isInt("abc"); // Returns false
Validates that the value is a decimal.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Value | object | Object to validate. |
Converter.isDecimal("1.23"); // Returns true
Converter.isDecimal("abc"); // Returns false
Validates that the value is a date & time.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Value | object | Object to validate. |
Converter.isDateTime("2018.05.02 09:00:00"); // Returns true
Converter.isDateTime("abc"); // Returns false
Validates that the value is a date.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Value | object | Object to validate. |
Converter.isDate("2018.05.02"); // Returns true
Converter.isDate("abc"); // Returns false
Validates that the value is a boolean.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Value | object | Object to validate. |
Converter.isBool(1); // Returns true
Converter.isBool("1"); // Returns false
Validates that the value is a datasource.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Value | object | Object to validate. |
Converter.isDatasource(1); // Returns true
Converts the value to a 32-bit integer.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Value | object | Object to convert. |
Note: An exception will be raised if the object passed cannot be converted to an integer.
Converter.ToInt("123"); // Returns : 123
Converter.ToInt("I have 10 apples"); // Will raise an exception
Converts the value to a decimal number.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Value | object | Object to convert. |
Note: An exception will be raised if the object passed cannot be converted to a decimal.
Converter.ToDecimal("1.2"); // Returns : 1.2
Converter.ToDecimal("pi = 3.1415"); // Will raise an exception
Converts an object to a date & time format.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Value | object | Object to convert. |
Note: An exception will be raised if the object passed cannot be converted to a date/time format.
Converter.ToDateTime("2016.01.01 12:30:45"); // Returns a DateTime object that contains 2016.01.01 12:30:45
Converter.ToDateTime("Hello"); // Will raise an exception
Converts the value to a date format.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Value | object | Object to convert. |
Note: An exception will be raised if the object passed cannot be converted to a date.
Converter.ToDate("2016.01.01"); // Returns a date containing 2016.01.01 00:00:00
Converter.ToDate("Hello"); // Will raise an exception
Converts the value to a boolean.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Value | object | Object to convert. |
Note: n exception will be raised if the object passed cannot be converted to a boolean.
Converter.ToBool(1); // Returns : True
Converter.ToBool(0); // Returns : False
Converter.ToBool("Hello"); // Will raise an exception
Mailing Namespace
Namespace containing properties on the email sending.
Note: Available in emails only.
Mailing Properties | ||
Name | Type | Description |
isTest | Boolean | Returns true if if it a test sending, else returns false. |
dtMailing | datetime | Returns the date of the sending. |
Returns true if if it a test sending, else returns false.
[[if (Mailing.isTest) {]] This is a test sending. [[}]] // This content will only display in a test sending
Returns the date of the sending.
[[=Mailing.dtMailing;]] // Returns a full datetime of the moment of the sending
Message Namespace
Namespace containing properties, methods and classes usable in email.
Message Properties | ||
Name | Type | Description |
MessageName | String | Returns the message name. |
idCategory | int | Returns the ID of the communication type linked to the message. |
idMessage | int | Returns the unique identifier of the message. |
Parameters | MessageParametersValues | Object containing the message parameters and their values. |
Returns the message name.
[[=Message.MessageName;]] // Displays the message name
Returns the ID of the communication type linked to the message.
[[=Message.idCategory;]] // Displays the communication type ID
Returns the unique identifier of the message.
[[=Message.idMessage;]] // Displays the ID of the message
Object containing the message parameters and their values.
[[=Message.Parameters.MyParameter;]] // Displays the value of "MyParameter"
Message Methods | ||
Name | Parameters | Description |
TellAFriend() | "OriginalSender" string Value | Generated the URL to the "Tell a friend" form. |
OpLink() | int Value | Generates the URL to the specified operational link. |
ReadTag() | Generates the message read tag. | |
Optout() | string Value | Generates the URL to the unsubscription form. |
WebVersion() | int Value bool Value | Generates the link to the web version of the email. |
Generates the URL to the "Tell a friend" form.
Parameters | Type | Description |
OriginalSender | string | Must be passed as is, allows to pass the contact information to the form. |
Culture | string | The culture to be used by the form. |
<a href="[[=Message.TellAFriend("OriginalSender","fr-CA");]] " target="_blank">Send to a Friend</a> // Generates the link towards the english version of the form
Generates the URL to the specified operational link.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Identifiant | int | ID of the operational link. |
<a href="[[=Message.OpLink(1);]]">Lien opérationel</a> /* Generates the URL of the operational link with the unique identifier of "1" */
Generates the message read tag.
[[=Message.ReadTag();]] // Generates the message read tag
Generates the URL to the unsubscription form.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Culture | string | Form culture |
<a href="[[=Message.Optout("fr-CA");]]">Désabonnement</a> // Generates the URL to the english unsubscription form
Generates the link to the web version of the email.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Identifiant | int | Identifier of the message version. |
Full screen | bool | Defines if the web version should be displayed full screen, true or false. |
<a href="[[=Message.WebVersion(1,true);]]">Version web</a> // Generates the URL to the full screen web version
Category Namespace
This namespace contains the properties of the communication type linked to the message.
Category Properties | ||
Name | Type | Description |
idImplicitRightFlags | Int32Collection | Returns a collection of the implicit consent identifiers linked to the communication type. |
idOptinFlags | Int32Collection | Returns a collection of the explicit consent identifiers linked to the communication type. |
idCategory | int | Returns the unique identifier of the communication type. |
Name | string | Returns the name of the communication type. |
IsAdministrative | bool | Denotes if the communication type is of administrative type by a true or false value. |
Returns a collection of the implicit consent identifiers linked to the communication type.
// If we assume that the communication type has two linked implicits Message.Category.idImplicitRightFlags // Returns the array [1,5] Message.Category.idImplicitRightFlags[0] // Returns 1 Message.Category.idImplicitRightFlags[1] // Returns 5
Returns a collection of the explicit consent identifiers linked to the communication type.
// If we assume that the communication type has two linked implicits Message.Category.idOptinFlags// Returns the array [2,3] Message.Category.idOptinFlags[0] // Returns 2 Message.Category.idOptinFlags[1] // Returns 3
Returns the unique identifier of the communication type.
Message.Category.idCategory // Displays the ID of the communication type
Returns the name of the communication type.
Message.Category.Name // Displays the name of the communication type
Denotes if the communication type is of administrative type by a true or false value.
Message.Category.IsAdministrative // Returns true or false
Output Class
Allows the output of content on screen.
Ouput Methods | ||
Name | Type | Description |
Write() | string Value | Displays specified content to screen. |
Displays specified content to screen.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Value | string | Character string to display. |
[[Output.Write("MyValue");]] // Displays MyValue to screen
System Namespace
Main Namespace containing the majority of the mostly used classes.
System Properties | ||
Name | Type | Description |
Now | DateTime | Returns a DateTime object containing the current date and time. |
Culture | string | Returns the current culture of the application. |
Returns a DateTime object containing the current date and time.
[[=System.Now;]] // returns, for example: 2018-04-09 14:40:25
Returns the current culture of the application.
[[=System.Culture;]] // returns, for example: "en-CA"
System Methods | ||
Nom | Type | Description |
Random() |
| Returns a random number in the range between the provided numbers as parameters. |
System.Random(2468, 9876); // Returns 3419
Encoding Namespace
This namespace contains methods allowing string encoding.
System Methods | ||
Nom | Type | Description |
HTMLEntities() | string Value | Returns the string encoded with HTMLEntities. |
Java1() | string Value | Returns the string encoded with Java1. |
Java2() | string Value | Returns the string encoded with Java2. |
URL() | string Value | Returns the string encoded with URL. |
Returns the string encoded with HTMLEntities.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Value | string | String to encode. |
[[=System.Encoding.HTMLEntities("My string");]] // Returns the encoding result
Returns the string encoded with Java1.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Value | string | String to encode |
[[=System.Encoding.Java1("My string");]] // Returns the encoding result
Returns the string encoded with Java1.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Value | string | String to encode |
[[=System.Encoding.Java2("My string");]] // Returns the encoding result
Returns the string encoded with URL.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Value | string | String to encode |
Encoding | string | Encoding format |
[[=System.Encoding.URL("My string","utf-8");]] // Returns the encoding result
Examples of encoding formats that are accepted: UTF-8, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, Windows-1252
Environment Namespace
This namespace contains utilitary classes usable globally in different projects.
Culture Class
This class returns environnement culture.
Culture Properties | ||
Name | Type | Description |
Name | string | Returns the name of the culture containing the language (2 lower case characters), a hyphen and the region (2 upper case characters). |
Language | string | Returns the language (2 lower case characters). |
Region | string | Returns the region (2 upper case characters). |
Returns the name of the culture containing the language (2 lower case characters), a hyphen and the region (2 upper case characters).
System.Environment.Culture.Name; // Returns "en-CA"
Returns the language (2 lowercase characters).
System.Environment.Culture.Language; // Returns "en"
Returns the region (2 uppercase characters).
System.Environment.Culture.Region; // Returns "CA"
Geoloc Namespace
This namespace contains geolocalisation methods.
Geoloc Methods | ||
Name | Parameters | Description |
Distance() | Decimal latitude1 Decimal longitude 1 Decimal latitude 2 Decimal longitude 2 | Returns the distance between two geographic coordinates. |
GetPointFromCode() | string country string postalCode | Converts a postal code to a set of geographic coordinates Supported country codes: CA, US Requires a licence |
Returns the distance between two geographic coordinates.
Parameters | Type | Description |
latitude1 | Decimal | Latitude of the first coordinate. |
longitude1 | Decimal | Longitude of the first coordinate. |
latitude2 | Decimal | Latitude of the second coordinate. |
longitude2 | Decimal | Longitude of the second coordinate. |
System.Geoloc.Distance(46.805719, -71.323384, 45.502065, -73.557709); // Returns 225,195974299394
Converts a postal code to a set of geographic coordinates.
Parameters | Type | Description |
country | string | Country code |
postalCode | string | Postal code to convert |
System.Geoloc.GetPointFromCode("CA", "G1P 2J7").Latitude; // Returns the decimal 46.805719
System.Geoloc.GetPointFromCode("CA", "G1P 2J7").Longitude; // Returns the decimal -71.323384
Tools Namespace
This namespace contains utilitary classes usable globally in different projects.
JSON Class
Offers tools that allow conversions between an object and a JSON formatted string.
JSON Methods | ||
Name | Parameters | Description |
Serialize() | object obj | Converts an object to a JSON formatted string. |
Deserialize() | string str | Converts a JSON formatted string to an object. |
Converts an object to a JSON formatted string.
Parameters | Type | Description |
obj | object | Object to convert to JSON format. |
System.Tools.JSON.Serialize(new[] {"Apple", "Orange", "Banana"}); // Returns : ["Apple","Orange","Banana"]
Converts a JSON formatted string to an object.
Parameters | Type | Description |
str | string | JSON formatted string |
System.Tools.JSON.Deserialize("MyValue"); // Returns MyValue
System.Tools.JSON.Deserialize("['Apple','Orange','Banana']"); // Returns a list containg the three elements
Math Class
Provides methods for common mathematical fonctions.
Math Methods | ||
Name | Parameters | Description |
Floor | decimal value | Returns the greater inferior or equal integer to the specified number. |
Ceiling | decimal value | Returns the smallest superior or equal integer to the specified number. |
Round | decimal value | Rounds a value to the closest integer. |
Round | decimal value, int decimals | Rounds a value while keeping a specified number of decimals. |
Returns the greater inferior or equal integer to the specified number.
Parameters | Type | Description |
value | decimal | Value to round. |
System.Tools.Math.Floor(1.5); // Returns 1
System.Tools.Math.Floor(1); // Returns 1
System.Tools.Math.Floor(1.99); // Returns 1
Returns the smallest superior or equal integer to the specified number.
Parameters | Type | Description |
value | decimal | Cap value. |
System.Tools.Math.Ceiling(1.5); // Returns 2
System.Tools.Math.Ceiling(2); // Returns 2
System.Tools.Math.Ceiling(1.01); // Returns 2
Surcharges | Parameters | Description |
Round | decimal value | Rounds a value to the closest integer. |
Round | decimal value | Rounds a value while keeping a specified number of decimals. |
System.Tools.Math.Round(1.68); // Returns 2
System.Tools.Math.Round(1.68, 1); // Returns 1,7
Validators Namespace
Provides methods to validate data.
Validators Methods | ||
Name | Parameters | Description |
isValidCode | string code | Returns "true" if code is valid, else returns "false". |
Returns "true" if code is valid, else returns "false".
Note: A code may only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores. The first character must be a letter, and it cannot end with an underscore.
System.Tools.Validators.EMail.isValidCode("myValidField"); // Returns True
System.Tools.Validators.EMail.isValidCode("invalidField_"); // Returns False
System.Tools.Validators.EMail.isValidCode("validField2"); // Returns True
System.Tools.Validators.EMail.isValidCode("1InvalidField"); // Returns False
EMail Class
Provides tools to manipulate an email address.
EMail Methods | ||
Name | Parameters | Description |
isValid | string email | Returns "True" if the email validates, else returns "False". |
GetDomain | string email | Returns the email domain. |
Returns "True" if the email validates, else returns "False".
Parameters | Type | Description |
string | String to validate |
System.Tools.Validators.EMail.isValid("[email protected]"); // Returns True
System.Tools.Validators.EMail.isValid("NomAccentué"); // Returns False
System.Tools.Validators.EMail.isValid(""); // Returns False
System.Tools.Validators.EMail.isValid("user@domain"); // Returns False
Returns the email domain.
Parameters | Type | Description |
string | Email address as a string. |
System.Tools.Validators.EMail.GetDomain("[email protected]"); // Returns : ""
System.Tools.Validators.EMail.GetDomain(""); // Returns an empty string
Hash Namespace
Provides hashing methods.
Provides hashing method using the SHA1 cryptographic function.
SHA1 Methods | ||
Name | Parameters | Description |
GetBytes() | string str | Uses the SHA1 method in order to convert a string to a byte array. |
GetString() | string str | Returns the result of a SHA1 hash as a string. |
Uses the SHA1 method in order to convert a string to a byte array.
Parameters | Type | Description |
str | string | String to hash. |
System.Tools.Hash.SHA1.GetBytes("My string"); // Returns a byte array
Returns the result of a SHA1 hash as a string.
Parameters | Type | Description |
str | string | String to hash. |
System.Tools.Hash.SHA1.GetString("MyValue"); // Returns "DFFFEA589FCEA0A45711699422C7A20435B8B9A5"
SHA256 Class
Provides hashing methods using the SHA256 cryptographic function.
SHA256 Methods | ||
Name | Parameters | Description |
GetBytes() | string str | Uses the SHA256 method in order to convert a string to a byte array. |
GetString() | string str | Returns the result of a SHA256 hash as a string. |
Uses the SHA256 method in order to convert a string to a byte array.
Parameters | Type | Description |
str | string | String to hash. |
System.Tools.Hash.SHA256.GetBytes("my string"); // Returns a byte array
Returns the result of a SHA256 hash as a string.
Parameters | Type | Description |
str | string | String to hash. |
System.Tools.Hash.SHA256.GetString("MyValue"); // Returns "83527DED182C33A2ADFF553655A7D15492EA070F89566D3ED9A8AFD7519D0C1F"
MD5 Class
Offers MD5 hashing methods.
MD5 Methods | ||
Name | Parameters | Description |
GetBytes() | string str | Uses the MD5 method in order to convert a string to a byte array. |
GetString() | string str | Returns the result of an MD5 hash as a string. |
Uses the MD5 method in order to convert a string to a byte array.
Parameters | Type | Description |
str | string | String to hash. |
System.Tools.Hash.MD5.GetBytes("my string"); // Returns a byte array
Returns the result of an MD5 hash as a string.
Parameters | Type | Description |
str | string | String to hash. |
System.Tools.Hash.MD5.GetString("MyValue"); // Returns "72F5D0C22D11F32C518782894629FB5A"
TellAFriend Namespace
Namespace containing data on the contact who sent a message to a friend.
TellAFriend Properties | ||
Name | Type | Description |
Sender_FirstName | string Value | Contact's first name |
Sender_LastName | string Value | Contact's last name |
Friend_FirstName | string Value | Friend's first name |
Friend_LastName | string Value | Friend's last name |
Comments | string Value | Contact's comments to the friend |
First name of the contact who filled the TellAFriend form.
[[=TellAFriend.Sender_FirstName;]] // Displays the contact's first name
Last name of the contact who filled out the TellAFriend form.
[[=TellAFriend.Sender_LastName;]] // Displays the contact's last name
Friend's first name.
[[=TellAFriend.Friend_FirstName;]] // Displays the friend's first name
Friend's last name.
[[=TellAFriend.Friend_LastName;]] // Displays the friend's last name
Comments left to the friend.
[[=TellAFriend.Comments;]] // Displays the comments left to the friend
Version Namespace
Version Properties | ||
Name | Type | Description |
Culture | bool | Returns the current message culture. |
idMessageVersion | int | Returns the unique identifier of the current message. |
Returns the current message culture.
// In a message that has the culture "en-CA" [[=Version.Culture;]] // Displays "en-CA" // The following conditiuon will display « English » [[if (Version.Culture == "fr-CA") {]] Français [[}else{]] English [[}]]
Returns the unique identifier of the current message.
// In a message that has only one version [[=Version.idMessageVersion;]] // Displays 1
VisualEditor Namespace
Namespace containing configuration methods of the visual editor.
VisualEditor Methods | ||
Name | Parameters | Description |
isDesignMode() | none | Returns true if in edition mode, else returns false. |
EditZone() | Block Object designConfig | Visual indicator of the edit zone of the visual editor. |
UICultureTranslate() | string French text string English text | Automatic translation according to context. |
Method that allows to determine if we are in edit mode.
[[if (VisualEditor.IsDesignMode()) {]] <div>This div is only visible in edit mode.</div> [[}]] [[if (VisualEditor.IsDesignMode() == false) {]] <div>This div is not visible in edit mode.</div> [[}]]
Method that allows to visually identify the edit zone in the visual editor.
Parameters | Type | Description |
Block | Block | The block to edit |
Object | designConfig | Object containing the edit zone config |
datasource dsCustomDesignConfig = { EditedProviders:{block_Layout.Styles}, ToolPosition:"Inside", ToolSide:"Top", ToolAlign:"Right", SmallDragHelper:true, EditedProvidersShouldOverride: true }; // Edit zone config ]] <div class="MainContent" [[ VisualEditor.EditZone(block_Layout, dsCustomDesignConfig);]]> My content </div> /* Visual edition of the block "block_Layout" will be available on the previous div, according to the config set previously*/ [[
Automatic translation according to context.
[[=VisualEditor.UICultureTranslate("Je suis", "I am");]] // If the application context is in french, "Je suis" will be displayed. // If the context is english, "I am" will be displayed