
Purchasing Preferences Indicators

If you have a project with a retail or event data structure which contains data on transactions and categories, you can access purchasing preferences indicators on products or events depending on what you sell. You can use the data from these indicators to segment your audience or personalize your communications.

Indicators based on transactions from a contact
  • Date of last transaction
  • Date of last purchase
  • Number of transactions in the last 12 months
  • Number of transactions in the last 30 days
  • Total amount for the last 12 months
  • Total amount for the last 30 days
  • Average amount per transaction over the last 12 months
  • Average amount per transaction over the last 12 months
  • Number of months since the last invoice raised for a customer
  • Number of invoices raised for the customer in the 12 months leading up to their last invoice (Not available in a CDP structure)
  • Total value of invoices raised for the customer over the 12 months leading up to their last invoice (Not available in a CDP structure)
Indicators based on categories of products purchased by the contact
  • Product/event of the most purchased category in the last 12 months
  • Product/event of the most purchased category in the last 30 days
  • Last purchased product/event category*

*If the last transaction contains several items with different categories, the category which has the most occurences in the transaction will be selected. If two or more categories have equal results, the category that is first in the alphabetical order will be selected.


Segment Using Purchasing Preferences   

You can create targeting criteria using purchasing preference indicators. 

In the different targeting tools, use an E-commerce indicators criterion:You can then select among the purchasing preference indicators to target your contacts.

Targeting features that support e-commerce indicators

Personalize Using Purchasing Preferences

In an email, you can add conditional content that only displays to contacts corresponding to the indicators.

When you edit an email block, add a condition:

In the criterion edition, click Add a source:

Activate the Indicateurs e-commerce source:

You can then use the indicators to create display conditions:

→ Learn more about conditions in emails

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