
Version History for Email Templates

Depending on the template version used to create your email, you will have access to some blocks and features. If you duplicate an email, this duplicates the version as well. To benefit from the up-to-date features, you must use a Dialog insight template. In this article, you have the list of the releases for each version.

Version 4.3 and the previous versions are considered outdated. If you use an outdated template, it is up to you to evaluate if you want to benefit from the new features or if that template works with your use. 

How do I see which version my email uses?
Go to Additional options:In the Administrative version, there is the version number for the email:***If you don't see the version number here, it means you are using a template 4.7 or older.

5.0.4 (2025.03.04)
→  Modification the the YouTube Video block to support “Short” links, dynamic links from a variable or datasource, and links with additional parameters.
→ Adding of an option for to display a video banner at the botton of the video image in the the Youtube Video block.

5.0.3 (2025.02.11) 
→ Adding a description for the “Email” type of Social Networks block to specify that the formatted value must be mailto:[email protected]

5.0.2 (2025.01.09)
→ Adding of a text cut after a 100 characters in alt images for some blocks (Social follow, RSS feed, Product, Multiple products). Additional characters are replaced by "...".

5.0.1 (2024.12.17)
→ Release of new Google Fonts.

  • Poppins, Sans-serif
  • Inter, Sans-serif
  • Noto Sans, Sans-serif
  • Merriweather Sans, Sans-serif
  • Gantari, Sans-serif
  • Playfair Display, Serif
  • Merriweather, Serif
  • Roboto Slab, Serif
  • Noto Serif, Serif
  • Palatino, Serif

5.0.0 (2024.12.11)
→ Backend redesign (no impact on the UI).

4.7.1 (2024.12.03)
→ Improvements on the Social follow block: option to customize the logo for each media.
→ Adding of the details on the email version in the Administrative section.

4.7.0 (2024.10.15)
→ Adding of a Pre-header field in the Inbox section.

4.6.0 (2024.08.15)
→ Release of the Dynamic Promo Code block .

4.5.10 (2024.05.24)
→ Fix to codeToCultureInfo in the Recommended products block.

4.5.8 (2024-05-02)
→ Fix to the class for mobile display on the 3-column structure.

4.5.6 (2024.03.12)
→ Improvement on the displaying of the Content block in edit mode.

4.5.5 (2024.03.01)
→ Fix of the execution order of the stylesheet (brand kit).
→ Fix for the labels of Abandoned cart in the English version.

4.5.4 (2024.02.28)
→ Fix to the Abandoned cart query param: "SystemParameter" replaces "Expression".

4.5.3 (2024.02.23)
→ Release of Abandoned cart.

4.5.2 (2024.02.21)
→ Fix to the RSS block to avoid an error of DI# code if the feed doesn't exist.

4.5.1 (2024.02.16)
→ Fix for high pixel-density devices: the countdown looked blurred.

4.5.0 (2024.02.14)
→ Release of Brand kit.
→ Improvements to Product blocks.
→ Fix to the link colors for the Social follow block.

4.4.2 (2023.12.11)
→ Adding of a code to trim the horizontal text group when it has more than 125 characters.

4.4.0 (2023.09.18)
→ Release of 3 new blocks: Product, Multiple products and Recommended products (See Setting up Product Recommendation ). 

4.3.2 (2023.08.31)
→ Changes to the QR code block: adding of the alt-text and clickable link options.

4.3.1 (2023.08.25)
→ Changes to the Countdown block: datepicker replaced by datetimepicker.

4.3.0 (2023.08.23)
→ Modernization of the block icons.
→ Release fo the QR code block.
→ Changes to the Social follow block: Twitter logo is replaced by X logo.
→ Release of the iCalendar block. 

4.2.1 (2023.04.25)
→ Fix to the dark mode image (it was centred by default).

4.2.0 (2023.03.27)
→  Release of the DImension block.

4.1.2 (2023.03.24)
→ Fix for a bug on a button on iPhone. Adding of a width: inherit; in the two responsive classes alignLeft and alignRight.

4.1.1 (2023.03.02)
→ Fix to the dark mode image block. The "#ffffff" color has been deleted.

4.1.0 (2022.11.22)
→ Release of the Content block.

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