
Viewing Contest Entries

Once a contest has been published and the entry period has started, you can see the evolution of the contest entries, as well as the number of new contacts gained through the contest.

Access path: Acquisitions → Contests

 In the list of online or ended contests, select the one you wish to view entries for. You can consult the results of a contest in 3 sections: Report, Entries and Draw. To access these sections, select the 3 dots in the upper right of the contest process: Report
You can click on any chart to see the related list of participants.

Entry reportDisplays the following information, by day and cumulative:
  • Entries - The number of entries in the contests.
  • Sent invitations - The number of friends who got an invitation to enter the contest from participants.
  • Accepted invitations - The number of invited friends who have accepted to enter the contest.
Contact acquisitionThe number of new contacts added to the project through the contest, as well as the number of participants who were contacts already, on the total number of participants.

This list displays the first name, last name and email of all participants. If needed, you can filter participants based on a given period or using any of the provided profile field. Once criteria are specified, click on Apply. From this list, you can select a participant and click Details to view this participant's contact profile.

In the Draw interface, you have data on rejected and excluded participations.

Number of entriesNumber of entries, excluding the rejected entries. Are taken into account all entries, whether the skill question was right or wrong.
Excluded entriesNumber of excluded entries because they belong to the excluded group of contacts.
Rejected entriesNumber of finalists that were rejected. If a finalist is not eligible or cannot be reached for example, you can reject this winner in order to draw another one. Rejected entries are no longer eligible to the draw.
Valid entriesTotal number of valid entries, that is, the total number of entries, less rejected entries and entries with a wrong answer. The winners are selected among the valid entries.

→ See how to proceed to the draw

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