
Drawing the Winners

When the entry period is over, it's time to proceed to the draw and name the winners.

Access path: Acquisitions → Contests

Go to the contest process and, under the 3 dots, click Draw:

In the draw page, specify the requested information and click on Proceed to draw.

Indicate the number of finalists (The number of winners to be drawn). Most often, you will only have one winner. However, it is also possible to draw multiple winners when there are multiple prizes.

You can exclude a group of contacts if you wish to exclude participants from a specific group. Whether this group already exists or you have just created it for this need, select it here. For instance, you might want to exclude contacts that are employees. To do so, you need to create the group with all your employees and then, select that group to be excluded from the contest.

Once you have clicked Proceed to draw, you will see, in the lower List of finalists, the winner(s) randomly selected by the system.

Once winners are selected, you can check the validity of winners and see if they have entered as authorized or more by clicking on View participants with multiple entries. This page displays all participants who are suspicious. **A person is considered as having already participated if their first name and last name have already been used in the same contest.

To complete the draw, it is important to approve the winners, either one at a time with Approve or all together with Approve all.

If a participant is not valid or cannot be reached, you can reject this finalist to draw a new one. Once a participant is rejected, his place becomes available and you can proceed to a new draw to find a new winner amongst the remaining entries (those who have not won and are not rejected).

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