
Verify, Test and Activate an Automated Scenario


Verify the Campaign

Before activating your campaign, validate that the scenario does not contain errors or incomplete elements. At the top right of the editor, a notification tells you that your automated marketing includes errors. Click it to bring the items in error in the center of the work area.

Note: For the campaign to be valid, you must make the required corrections

Test the Campaign

Once your scenario is error-free, the Test and Activate buttons become available. 

The instructions to run the test will appear on the left-hand panel when you enter in the Test mode.

The test will execute the marketing automation campaign to the contacts of the test group selected, therefore we recommend you check the contacts prior to executing the test. Furthermore, tests cannot have more than 100 contacts, you can use the Count button at the bottom to quickly verify that you are below the threshold.

During the execution, and if your scenario is not published, the test does not respect delays to shorten the duration of the test, although Approbation nodes will still require approval. A white square appears beside nodes that the test executes, if an error occurs the box.

Note: If you have multiple triggers, you need to test each individually

Execution History

You can check the history of your tests in the History tab in the left menu. This feature is especially helpful when you are making changes to the scenario between tests. 

Activate the campaign

Once you are satisfied with the campaign, click on the Activate button. A popup will ask you to choose the frequency contacts should enter the scenario and then activate the campaign. 

  1. Allow contacts to start the campaign even if they are still in a prior execution (good for scenarios that are very long, or very short)
  2. Permit contacts to re-enter once they have finished
  3. Define a number of times the contact can enter the scenario on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis
  4. Stop contacts from re-entering the scenario (coming shortly)

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