
Sending an Email

At this stage, you should normally have done tests and validations. This article explains how to send an email in simple mode, which means with a single version.  

Step 1: Choose Recipients

In the Send interface, select contacts to target in the section Recipients:

The recommended option is to target contacts from one or several groups. Check the groups to target on the left, then click the right arrow to send them on the right side (selected). To see how many contacts will be included in the sending, click Calculate.

If you have created a seed list, you could check Include seed list group.

Handle multiple contacts that share the same email address

If the primary key identifying your contacts is composed of more than one field, or if this key is not the contact's email address, you will be asked to choose how you want to handle contacts that might have the same email address.
You can choose to send a message to each contact, in which case, the same contact could receive more than one message or send one message per email address. With this last option, if two contacts have the same email (or if the same contact exists twice in the project), only one of the two will receive the message.

Step 2: Plan the Delivery Time

In the Scheduling section, you can choose to send the message now (as soon as the mailing is approved) or later, depending on the date and time indicated (choose the time zone):

Control delivery paceTo specify the maximum number of messages to be sent every hour or the maximum duration of a mailing.
Define a delivery deadlineCombined with the delivery pace, you can indicate when to stop the delivery.
Add a prefix to the message subjectTo add a prefix to the message subject, such as [REMINDER] or [TEST], for example. The prefix will show for all recipients.

Step 3: Prepare Sending

In the upper right, click Prepare sending. In the popup, check the list of instructions and confirm if you are compliant. 

Click on Approve if you want to go forward with sending your message. You can click on Reject to cancel. On the home page, you can see the list of messages waiting to be approved.

Before approving a message, it is important to check if the message is the right one and if the number of recipients is correct. In doubt, make additional validations and tests.


To see the performance of your mailing (deliveries, clicks, openings), you can consult the article on results

A contact has not received your message? You can send it again with the feature in the contact's profile.

To cancel a planned mailing, go to Communications -> Planned Deployments and find the email in the left menu. At the end of the line, click Cancel

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