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All the answers to your questions through FAQ, articles, videos, white papers, changes and more.
How can I attach a file to a message?
Is it possible to use Emojis in emails?
How to remove the underline style on my links?
How long are my messages/results are kept?
Which items are supported by security attributes?
How to understand SFTP connection errors?
How to create a double-optin using a form
How to create a project in FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging)
How to create your reCAPTCHA keys
Deprecating TLS 1.0 and 1.1 support in Dialog Insight platform on Oct. 19, 2021
What is DKIM signature?
Understanding Phishing
What is SPF Protocol?
What is DMARC Policy?
Why Authenticate Your Emails?
What are Tracking Links Used For?
About Quarantines
Understanding bounces and delivery errors
About Projects
Finding the ID of a Project or Custom Table
Trouble Shooting
Why can't I access my account?
Why is it that my email messages don't reach all my contacts?
How can a link ever sent / seen be clicked?
Why is the countdown stopping after a while?
Why isn't the countdown timer animated in an email?
Troubleshooting Common RSS Problems
Troubleshooting Contact Reception Status Issues
User guide for DI# language
User guide for E-commerce module
User guide for Webhooks module
User guide for Journey module
DI# Methods
White Papers
REMINDER - Compare Bill C-28 vs. GDPR
WHITE PAPER - Discover the single customer view
DIAGNOSTIC GRID - Master customer engagement
REMINDER - Measure your emails with the best KPIs
REFLECTION TEMPLATE - Develop a marketing automation strategy
INFOGRAPHIC - 6 easy segmentation methods to grow your email revenue
INFOGRAPHY - 8 Steps for an Effective Marketing Automation Strategy
WHITE PAPER - Anatomy of a responsive email
WHITE PAPER - Test your campaigns efficiently with Dialog Insight
WHITE PAPER - How to develop a marketing automation strategy?
WHITE PAPER - How to comply with Canada’s anti-spam legislation
WHITE PAPER - Discover web push notifications
WHITE PAPER - The complete guide for an effective email
WHITE PAPER - A practical guide on email deliverability
WHITE PAPER - Personalized marketing in a digital world: everything you need to know
WHITE PAPER - Real-time marketing: A guidebook to get there
WHITE PAPER - Everything to know about Customer Data Platform
White paper - Use marketing SMS to increase customer engagement